Don't Get Mad, Get Even

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Chapter 36

Percy hardly had any time to even contemplate his brother's words as he ducked under the lunge of an empousa, and with a quick side swipe of his trident vaporized the monster with little effort. Surveying the battlefield he quickly realized it was a catastrophe. The cohorts were holding, but barely. He could see familiar faces scattered throughout the field, and occasionally even saw blasts of lightning, or black auras of power surging through the ranks of monsters.

Saturn may have left them temporarily, but it was still a far cry from calling this battle a victory. With a deep breath Percy twirled his trident in an intricate pattern as he saw three enemy demigods line up in formation in front of him clearly thinking they were going to take him together. Growling out in warning Percy shouted, "Drop your weapons and surrender yourself to the authority of Rome. Or die."

One of the demigods in gladiator armor however charged forward with a battle cry in Kronos' name, and Percy easily intercepted the blow with his trident, ripped the blade from the enemies hands, and impaled the attacker in the throat killing him instantly. The blood of his enemy fell, and Percy's eyes flashed dangerously to the two remaining attackers, who were not deterred but enraged by their fallen comrade. With them both attempting to swing at his head the son of Neptune ducked between them thrusting his trident through one's chest, and leaving his weapon in the fallen demigod while taking the sword from his hands, and in a mighty swing decapitating the final of the three.

Percy couldn't stop to register the horror of killing demigods, because he quickly deflected the powerful blow of a cyclops with the fallen demigods sword. The creature had run out to confront him from the enemy ranks, and with a lethal strike Percy rammed the stolen sword into the cyclops knee, while summoning his trident in the time that the beast roared in rage. By the time the Cyclops removed the sword from its leg the Praetor of Rome had taken the trident and stabbed the creature in its eye effectively making it explode into a pile of golden dust.

A mere minute had passed since Triton had left the battlefield, and the enemy could seemingly sense the son of Neptune was a force of nature now that their lord had left them to die. While the monster army hesitated to take the Praetor on, Percy held no such restraint. He began jogging his way towards the enemy line that was attempting to break down the first cohort, and every monster that crossed his path was struck down in a fury of swipes by the trident that the heir of Atlantis had gifted to him. It took no time at all before he had created a hole in the monster army, and reunited with Michael Kahale who looked relieved as Percy had thrown his trident into one of the giants killing the beast on impact, and summoning the weapon back to his hand, "You guys look like you need an assist."

Michael grinned and called out, "First cohort to Praetor Jackson!"

A roar of approval followed his cry, and Percy turned to face the enemy, and noticed Michael and Summer come to each side of them, "Lets reform ranks with the other cohorts. They had us scattered when everyone was avoiding Lord Saturn."

Summer shook her head, "Of all the crazy shit I've seen you do in the years we have known each other Percy that might've been the worst. I watched you attack Atlas at Tampaliais, but this was something-"

The daughter of Apollo was cut off by an inhuman screech that lit up the battlefield causing a shudder to pass through the ranks as a massive winged beast Percy recognized from Saturn's honor guard took flight. Percy immediately shouted, "First cohort archers fire."

A brief moment passed, but two dozen arrows went whizzing through the air towards the femine humanoid creature that shrieked as most of the arrows impacted her wings and bent on impact. At that moment Percy seemed to realize that the creatures body must be much more solid than it looked, and the son of seas looked to the Primus Pilus asking, "Either of you recognize this thing?"

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