Communing With The Dead

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Chapter 32

Bianca's powers of being able to detect things under the Earth undoubtedly saved their lives. Even in the depths of the Labyrinth she was able to tell that many of the extra paths they crossed were dead ends. Thankfully the only path that seemed to continue led them to the outside world after only a few hours of wandering around lost.

When they came out of the Labyrinth in a dead end it was hot and humid. The cave they exited out of led to a massive green field that held large barns not too far ahead, and a small river that ran near sets of stables. A long barbed wire fence seemed to encase the property, and he noticed an oak tree and cacti in the distance. The sun seemed to be high in the sky which made Percy's stomach turn as he realized there was no way that night had not fallen in the hours they were wandering around in the Labyrinth. After his experience in the Lotus Casino he really hated places that didn't understand the simple rules of time. He asked the daughter of the Underworld, "How long do you think we've been down there?"

She looked around and frowned, "Good news is that it likely wasn't as long as I was trapped in the Lotus Casino. It's also hot which is a good sign. It's likely still Summer."

Percy grumbled at her words, "Let's go down to the river, and try to make an iris message. From there we can head to the ranch and see if we can figure out where we are."

Bianca nodded before a puzzled look crossed her face. Percy noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

"My brother...he is close. Really close." Bianca said in concern. She suddenly looked really nervous.

Percy sighed, "Come on let's go contact Jason before we do anything else. We may not have tons of time."

Together the two made the short trek down to the river where Percy summoned a light mist from the water, and Bianca tossed a coin into the creek, "Oh Iris Goddess of the Rainbows show me Jason Grace at Camp Jupiter."

An image shimmered in the light Rainbow, and immediately Jason Grace appeared in his office staring at a map looking furious and worried. Percy spoke, "Jason!"

Jason's eyes shot up, and when he saw Percy and Bianca it was like a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders, "Oh my gods Percy, Bianca you're alive. Where in Tartarus' name are you guys?"

Percy looked sheepish, "We don't know. We found the Labyrinth by accident. Bianca shadow traveled us and we ended up in this cave. Look I don't know how much time we have, but we have got to talk."

Percy and Bianca explained their encounter with Janus, and the cryptic message Juno had given them about saving the camp. They explained that they had only been gone a few hours while Jason seemed to age as the story went on, "It's been just under twenty four hours. We searched the entire mountainside for you too...most people weren't too worried because they thought you two ran off for some...privacy."

Percy and Bianca blushed, and neither looked at the other while Jason continued, "I'm glad you two weren't that irresponsible. Not that I ever thought you were mind you, but it is good to see the two of you. Cassie will be relieved to hear you are okay Percy. The Guard tried to play it off like we weren't worried, but we spent half the night in meetings trying to figure out what we were going to do."

Percy bowed his head in embarrassment, "Well believe me we didn't mean to cause this. Juno talked about passing her tests though, and then we would be led to the forges of Vulcan. From there we will find Dedalus and convince him to show us a way to navigate the maze. Once we learn where the entrance to the Labyrinth is we will prepare for invasion. We just need the camp to hold out until then."

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