A Footnote In History

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Chapter 22

The Praetorian Guard numbered twelve in the early morning as they gathered for their first group training. Ten warriors which didn't include Percy of course, and Mark himself the Praetor decided to come in for his show of support and preparation. They were waiting on the first appearance of Lady Lupa inside the boundary lines since Percy himself had arrived at Camp. A new recruit had arrived the evening before, and with him a message from the mother of Rome. The note was simple Praetorian Guard 6am in the Coliseum. It was written by the recruit who for the time being was unclaimed, but welcomed by the fourth cohort with letters of recommendations from family within the legion. The kid was the talk of the legion last night however as Lady Lupa did not usually use new recruits to convey messages.

The dozen Romans stood gathered in silence stretching, and preparing for what was likely to be an unpleasant morning. Percy was standing nervously among the gathered group when suddenly a voice came from the tunnel that allowed warriors to enter the pit, "Praetorian Guard. ATTENTION."

All twelve demigods immediately stood in rigid posture, hands at their sides, back straight, eyes forward as the mother of Rome strolled through their lines. She was in an outfit that didn't look exactly Roman. She was wearing black leggings that were covered by a long armored shirt that looked paper thin. Her black and silver hair was in a single baid, and her pale white skin was ethereal that clearly showed the signs of being a Goddess. She made it a point to look every single person in the room in the eyes as she walked past them.

When she stopped in front of the group she spoke a soft phrase, "At ease."

Everyone's posture relaxed, but their hands went behind their back and remained ready for another cry of attention. As she sized up each of the demigods before she spoke again, "Percy Jackson. You are the only demigod in this room who never went through the rite of Passage to Rome. You made it here on your own free will, and were spoken for by Lord Neptune and Triton it is for that reason you will now get the honor to face me in single combat."

Everyone shuffled at this, but Percy nodded, stepping forward and pulling a pen out of his pocket that most were shocked to see him hold when it turned into a three foot long celestial blonde sword. The woman's eyes widened at the site, "That blade was a gift from your father?"

"To Bianca Di Angelo. It is why I sponsored her when she arrived here in New Rome my Lady. This blade has been loaned back to me while I find a proper replacement weapon. My trident was destroyed in the battle against the Trojan Sea Monster." Percy explained.

Nodding her head she spoke, "This blade once belonged to a dear friend of mine. If she ever sees it in the hands of a male hero she might attempt to kill you. You have been warned, son of Neptune." Lupa said as she reached to her sides and drew identical silver daggers from nothing.

Not having time to contemplate her words the woman was moving forward attacking him. He dodged the first two swipes, and attempted to run the woman through with riptide in a parry. The speed the goddess possessed however was unreal as her dagger found its way to deflect his thrust, and return a quick swipe at his ribs as she got on the inside. The blade nicked the inside of his body as she cut through his shirt and drew first blood on his abdomen. She walked back casually as if nothing had happened, but Percy was reeling at her speed, "You wish to fight Titans Captain Jackson yet you can't stop me from cutting your insides out of your body. Again."

Percy nodded his head firmly wishing he had his trident for range to keep this goddess back, but instead twirled the blade around, and took a deep back stance preparing to fend the goddess off. He couldn't see the grimaces from the rest of his guard behind him, so he had no clue as to their thoughts on his abilities.

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