The Last Olympian

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Chapter 44

Lightning flashed across the skies striking the water as the Titan of Light was creating blinding rays of power across the reservoir at Central Park. Thalia Grace stood bracing herself with her shield as she screamed in defiance as she watched a figure in golden armor approach her at speeds she couldn't even comprehend.

The daughter of Zeus knew that she had to make a stand here. The other campers were no match for Hyperion, but the reality that she wasn't capable either hit her in the form of a golden sword that impacted her shield so hard she was sent dozens of yards backwards into the air. Trying to find her feet the last thing she thought she would see would be a golden blur, but instead the world went really cold. Screams echoed in her ears, and when she opened her eyes a soft voice spoke to her, "You're okay Thalia. We are here to help."

Her eyes were registering the dark eyed beauty in front of her, but her brain wasn't comprehending how it was possible. A girl that radiated power since the time they had first met at the base of Mount Tam was standing before her, but how did she come to be here? What it would mean for her friends was not quite reaching her brain yet either. A clang that echoed across the battlefield of Central Park drew her attention back to reality. Even seeing an armor clad warrior standing toe to toe with Hyperion didn't allow her to believe what was happening. A silver trident was swirling in speeds she could hardly follow with her eyes as it deflected the strikes of the golden Titan. As the trident seemed to swirl winds were picking up, and the Titan seemed to be in a panic attempting to blast the black and red armored warrior out of the sky with burning bright lights. Every attempt however was snuffed out by hundreds of gallons of water.

Thalia seemed to realize that their chances of winning had returned, and was energized by the realization, "We have to help him."

Bianca Di Angelo chuckled quietly, "He would be thankful if you didn't. Jason and I have both taken down a Titan at this point. I think Percy is beginning to feel left out. Besides, Hyperion made the mistake of remaining close to Percy's father's domain. He is done for."

As if speaking reality into existence Hyperion was encased in a dome of water that he desperately tried to fight his way out of, but the water lowered to the ground keeping the Titan locked in. In this time Percy entered the dome of swirling water, and ripped the Titans blade away causing it to go flying into the ground outside the dome blade first. Then Percy began dismantling the Titan's armor, and methodically began slicing the Titan to pieces as golden ichor now swirled through the dome of water.

Thalia swore quietly, "My gods. He is ripping him apart."

"He is so hot." Bianca agreed with a grin.

Thalia grimaced at her words, but watched in fascinated horror as Percy Jackson dismantled the golden Titan. The water became so filled with ichor at one point that it began hard to see the only remaining armored figure. The wind made the area deafeningly loud, but a final screech of agony wrenched through the area, and suddenly the winds began to slow, and the water began to subside.

Without thought Bianca began walking towards the armored man, and Thalia could only follow with a dumbstruck look on her face. Percy noticed the two heading his way, and he moved to intercept them. Before Thalia could speak to the man Bianca had swept forward removing the man's helmet, and kissing him firmly on the mouth. The moment lasted a little longer than was socially acceptable, but when they separated Percy had a goofy grin on his face as he turned to face the daughter of Zeus, "Sorry it took us so long to arrive. The others led by your brother are reinforcing your lines. I am sorry we couldn't bring the whole army, but I brought some of the best Rome has to offer."

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