The Four Winds

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Chapter 16

When they arrived back at the palace Austur informed them that they had a message from Lord Euros. Apparently Jason had met the god, and done him a favor in order to get a message to Percy and the others. By the sounds of it their mission was a success. Jason informed them that Triton had given them directions to an enemy ship directed by rogue demigods just out on the water where they managed to sneak aboard and free a small flock of Pegasi, two of which decided to hang around and help pull the chariot they had found in Charleston. They were on their way back to camp, and Jason would immediately set about finding a new way to contact the group when they dropped the weapons.

Percy had wondered if when he said Rogue demigods he meant Greek or Roman defects. Whatever the case was, the news seemed to disturb Mark greatly. The fact that this unknown enemy was amassing renegade demigods seemed to disturb the Praetor greatly. He turned into bed early that night clearly needing some time to ponder just what Jason could've meant by enemy ship, and rogue demigods. As Praetor, Percy supposed he would know probably every Roman defector, or possibly even retired legionnaires who could've been recruited to the enemy side. Of course there had only been whispers of who this enemy truly was, and only Percy, Jason, and Bianca knew that the threat of the Titan Lord could soon be upon them.

The next day was finally the moment they would get their audience with Aelous. Their meeting was first thing in the morning so the gathered questers were sitting on the set watching the final minutes of his morning broadcast for Olympus. Aeolus appeared to be in his sixties with white hair, and a ton of stage makeup. He was wearing a business suit that looked like the sky. The suit being mostly blue was most interesting because it had clouds that were moving along the fabric and changing the shape, and even becoming rain clouds.

Lord Austur was standing next to the camera man holding idle chatter, but occasionally turning his blue head to Percy, Mark, and Bianca to give a thumbs up. As soon as the cut was said Austur went up to the man with a bow, "My Lord Aelous, three demigods from Camp Jupiter have arrived requesting information. They have waited two days for their appointment most patiently, and they come bearing a gift."

At the word gift Aelous perked up immediately, "Oh fantastic! Send them over."

At his words Austur motioned the group over and Mark took the lead, "Lord Aelous thank you for giving us a few minutes of your time."

The Master of the Winds immediately gave the man a huge smile, "Wow I feel very honored. Rome sent one of their Praetors to speak with me. Great words I have heard in the winds my young friend. Ms. Di Angelo, daughter of Pluto good to see you back in our time, Mr. Jackson I welcome you as well too Aeloi my home in the skies." The master of the winds struck a very interesting dance pose as he shuffled his feet apart, coming up on his tiptoes with one hand in the air and the other relaxed by his side. It looked like something suspiciously out of a movie Percy had watched as a little boy, but instead of questioning it they all bowed to the man. Bianca had shuffled her feet uncomfortably at the words Aelous had directed towards her, and if Mark was curious he didn't even look her way at the statement to indicate it. It was possible the Praetor realized that the Master of Winds before them wasn't exactly carrying all his eggs in the same basket, but if there was one thing Percy had realized just in the last week it was that Mark was always paying attention.

Aeolus smiled and never wavered when he said, "Well let's do the unpleasant part of this first shall we? The information you seek is simple. The Trojan Sea Monster will enter the San Francisco Bay this evening, and you will have your best chance of facing it on the large red bridge. If it reaches the Tiber entrance after all there will be a blood shed of the likes Rome hasn't seen in over a hundred years."

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