A Lesson In History

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Chapter 38

Percy had not seen a party be prepared like this since his victory over the Trojan Sea Monster. When it was first proposed to hold celebrations for the new appointments to Praetor, and Consul he had dismissed the idea. When the Senate then proposed a celebration of their defensive victory over the Titans, and the new government appointments he relented, and allowed them to form a committee to prepare for festivities. Some of the Guard had even joked that this party would be a dry run for the party that would be held once the Titans were truly defeated.

Truth be told the party was nowhere near 'dry'. Percy had never seen so much alcohol in New Rome until the evening of the party, and since there was no real drinking age in Rome, and for all effects he was their governing leader no one questioned his place as he partook in the celebrations.

The area was covered with people in the city limits of New Rome, and Percy had shaken a lot of hands, and gave out many hugs to people he had been acquainted with in his nearly 8 years of service in the active legion.

As the night wore on Percy began to stick with his core group of friends. It consisted of the entirety of the Praetorian Guard who had formed small groups with some of their own friends in the forum. Bianca, Jason, and Percy had hardly stepped more than a few feet away from each other for the entirety of the evening. Bianca had been closer than most would have deemed appropriate, but considering how things had gone over the past week Percy could not gather a single bit of strength to complain.

The young man as a son of Neptune had gone through many near death experiences in his time in the mythological world, but the last week had literally been a leap from one violent incident to another. Sitting here as the Consul of Rome, and his two best friends beside him as Praetor's was something he couldn't have even dreamt of.

The young man took a long swig of the wine glass in his hand remembering the love he lost along the way to his dream. It was for Gwen he had originally wanted to become Consul. He had built many of his childhood hopes, dreams, and fantasies around such an idea, but now that he was here without her a dull pang hit him in the chest.

Seeming to sense his discomfort a soft hand went on his own as Bianca laughed at a comment Jason made about the lares threatening each other. Turning to the dark haired girl Percy couldn't but thank the gods for the daughter of Pluto beside him. She had been his rock in ways that Jason had been unable too. She hadn't filled the gap when Gwen died, but she made it seem smaller. She stood beside him when he was fighting his way through towards the Trojan Sea Monster and she stood beside him when he was fighting for his life in the Labyrinth.

Jason's importance couldn't be dismissed though Percy as he glanced at his cousin. The boy had stepped into his leadership position when he had disappeared with Bianca, and with the help of the rest of the guard kept the cohorts intact. Jason had also come to his aid when he was knocking on death's door against the Trojan Sea Monster, and against the fight with Kampe. The young man was the closest thing he had to family over the years, and he was beyond thankful the boy had been rewarded by the gods to ascend to the Praetor position. It was well deserved, and the boy was a true Roman.

Turning his eyes back on the girl who had taken a huge step in his life recently he noticed she was introducing her brother to some of her friends in the Guard. Percy could tell the young man had his defenses up, and could feel a little awkward, but the others did their best to try and be cool. They could all undoubtedly remember when Nico had fought for the Titans at Mount Tam. It was a day none of them were likely to ever forget, and the fact that Nico had been on the wrong side of them that day was something that wouldn't be overlooked. The Consul of Rome had little doubt that had the boy's efforts not been invaluable in the battle of the Labyrinth they would not even have tried to pretend to be civil. His group was strong willed, and stubborn like that, but Percy wouldn't have replaced them for anything.

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