The High Sea Council

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A/N: Just wanted to hit a quick note before we begin reading. Many reviewers have pointed out Trident and Triden thinking there is a spelling error, but actually the Roman version of Trident is Triden. My source was the Riordan Fan Page, so I trusted the source. Cheers, and enjoy!

Chapter 3

Travelling to Atlantis was nothing like Percy would have imagined. Thanks to Triden they were able to travel unimaginable speeds in a comfortable manor. Percy had tried to make small talk with the couple, but he could tell things were tense so decided on silence.

Arriving at Atlantis was so much more than Percy ever dreamed of. The lost underwater city was more than a dream. Palaces the size of skyscrapers, sea creatures swimming and blending in with the city as if it was nothing special at all, and the army of Atlantis was conducting training exercises just outside the city limits, and all stood at attention as Triden darted above. The mermen, dolphins, cyclops and other varieties of creatures that took part in the army seemed quite humbled by the appearance of the Prince of Atlantis.

When they arrived at the palace of Neptune Triden guided them to the ground and they all smoothly began walking on the marble like stone that held a pathway towards the palace. When they made it to the front door two hulking mermen were guarding the doors and saluted to them as they walked by. When they made it into the entrance of the palace it was shockingly empty. With a soft kiss Thetis wished Triden luck, and wished Percy the same. Triden looked distracted, but finally stopped his strides in front of massive bronze doors that clearly led to some kind of throne room, "Percy I want you to go into this next room, and tell nothing but the truth do you understand? You have done nothing wrong, and the council just needs to hear it from your mouth. If you attempt to lie, or manipulate the council in anyway you will not walk out of this building a free man. Do you understand?"

Percy's heart began thundering against his chest. What was going on?

"Triden what is this?"

Percy didn't even have time to realize the fact that it was the first time in five years Triden had called him by his everyday name instead of his birth name, but the young immortal threw the doors open and dragged Percy by the arm in front of a circle of beings that were gathered silently staring at the two whom had entered the room. The young son of the sea realized why Thetis did not follow them into the council room of the High Sea Council that Percy had grown up hearing stories of.

The man in the largest seat in the circle had a dead serious look on his face, and the rest of the council followed his motion as Triden bowed, "Father I have brought Prince Perseus Jackson before the High Council of the Sea as requested."

The man Triden called father was undoubtedly so. He was practically a spitting image of the man, and so was Percy. He could see it in his eyes, and his facial structure, and for the first time he felt like he couldn't breath underwater. A tall being next to his father leaned over and whispered in his ear and the man nodded causing the man to stand, "Perseus Jackson. Welcome to Atlantis. We all wish you could have been brought here under different circumstances, but that was not the hand the fates dealt. My name is Oceanus I am the Titan of the Seas, and I will lead today's questioning. Do you understand?"

Percy shook his head bowing, "No my lord I am afraid I don't understand why I was summoned. My brother did not give me any details."

"Excellent, that is exactly what he was instructed to do. Well done Grandson." Oceanus applauded.

Triden nodded his head over so slightly, but kept his eyes fixed on Percy.

"Perseus Jackson. You stand accused of stealing Lord Jupiter's Master Bolt, how do you plead?" Oceanus asked evenly.

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