The Titans Curse

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Chapter 27

Arriving at the entrance to the small fortress Percy could see off to the otherside of the mountain the rising Mount Othrys was looking much clearer than the last time he had seen it. He knew it would only be a matter of months optimistically, but more likely weeks before the Black Throne of Saturn was reborn. He pushed this thought aside though as he considered his mission put forth by Olympus, "Everyone ready? This is where things might get dicey."

Hank snorted, "As if they weren't dicey enough as is."

Percy wanted to roll his eyes, but tried to remain serious, "Odds are we are about to come face to face with our first Titan. Jason, Mark, the three of us will take him together. The rest of you divide up and take on any forces that might also be here. Jason, what do you say about giving us a shock and awe entrance."

The boy grinned as his eyes flickered an electric blue, and he raised his sword to the heavens, taking a lightning bolt, and directing it straight through the door causing a massive boom blasting the door to pieces. Percy led the group into a run straight through the doors, and that is when he realized they may have miscalculated. Dozens of monsters ranging from telkhines, hellhounds, empousa, cyclops, and giants were in the room scrambling to grab weapons. Demigods were jumping for their weapons while Percy laid eyes on Lady Diana who seemed to be holding up a collapsing cavern, "Snatch and grab people let's go! Archers fire."

Five sets of arrows went flying as Percy drew the spear of Hektor and began cutting down monsters that got in his way. He reached the lady of Olympus quickly as he sliced through the chains that were holding her down, "Lady Diana my name is Percy Jackson I am here to get you out of here."

She wheezed out, "Run demigod the general is here."

He didn't have time to question her as a voice that froze everyone echoed through the room, "Greetings children. I hope you are here to swear fealty."

The Titan above him looked like a living statue. Dark slicked back hair, grey eyes that resembled stone, light brown skin, and a muscular build that made even Mars Ultor look tiny in comparison. He was at least nine feet in height with a brutal face, huge shoulders, and hands that could probably snap a flagpole in half. Unfortunately he could see the family resemblance between this Titan and the Lieutenant of Artemis. When he heard his voice it seemed as if the Earth itself was talking around him, and for the first time he felt fear in facing a relatively normal sized opponent. Percy steeled himself however, "Atlas. My name is Percy Jackson Captain of the Praetorian Guard. I am here to take Lady Diana back to Olympus and you stand in our way, and we will make you regret it."

The man laughed and it seemed to shake the ground, "Luke and Kyle did tell me you boys were arrogant, but I thought surely they were exaggerating."

Out of the shadows came the familiar good looking man that Jason, Percy, and Bianca faced on top of the Empire State Building looking much more alive than any of them would've expected. He wasn't alone though as a massive familiar muscular demigod stood next to him. Percy's blood boiled at the site of the former Centurion while Luke grinned, "No General, Percy Jackson look what the cat dragged in. We knew you would come."

Percy glowered at the two demigods, "Kyle Logan son of Hercules I had hoped we would meet again one day."

The man had a feral grin on his face. He looked like he had been working out, which was seriously saying something as the man was already built like a mountain, "Hello Percy. How's Gwen."

The humidity in the room seemed to shoot up, but before Percy could blindly attack the traitor Mark stepped forward, "We will deal with him later Percy. Stay focused."

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