The Praetorian Bastards

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Chapter 30

"Percy get down." Jason screamed.

Percy trusting the son of Jupiter immediately dropped as a golden lance went sailing just where his head had been taking down a Hyperborean giant. Percy nodded at the boy as he rose back to his feet, and twirled the spear of Hektor around cutting an empousa that had come too close to comfort.

They were in Yosemite National Park hunting down this monster warband that was reported to be nearly two hundred and fifty monsters strong. It was so humid that afternoon it felt almost hard to breathe, but as Percy ducked under another giant's club he summoned nearby water and changed the liquid to ice and speared the massive beast from behind making it dissolve instantly to golden dust.

Bianca suddenly appeared next to him, "No signs of Cacus yet Percy."

"Of course there isn't." Percy said grumbling.

They had received a distress signal from a former legionnaire who had become a park ranger here at Yosemite. He told Percy and Cassie in his distress letter that the son of Vulcan was causing mayhem on the offside of the mountains. There apparently weren't tons of tourists, but if the fire crossed the boundary a lot of innocent people could die. Needless to say the Guard took to the assignment with enthusiasm.

It had been a little less than five months since Percy's ascension to Praetor. It was early May now, and they had been scouring Mount Diablo overtime hoping to find the entrance to the Labyrinth. This was a much needed break.

"Bianca look out."

Percy tackled the girl as a massive fireball hit the ground where she had been standing. Percy was on top of her shielding the girl looking for the threat quickly when he spotted a giant with fire in his hands. He looked down and Bianca's cheeks were colored, and he quickly realized their position was rather compromising. He stuttered trying to come up with words, but she grinned at him, "Percy thanks for saving my life and all, but next time take me to dinner first."

He laughed as he shot to his feet pulling her up with him quickly as they turned to face the giant. The guard was scattered for the most part trying to thin out the numbers of the warband, and Jason had pulled away after capping the hyperborean just a moment ago. It would be up to Percy and Bianca to handle this one.

They scattered as another ball of fire shot in their direction, and having dodged this one Percy shouted, "I'll distract him?"

She nodded in assent and immediately disappeared in the shadows. Quickly Percy doused the burning area around him with water from the nearby river, and even swallowed a third fireball with the remainder of the water, as he began to surge towards the giant. This was a small giant in comparison standing at about only ten feet tall, but this was one ugly dude. Curly orange hair with orange freckles along with super pale skin. He was like a ginger giant. His face seemed to be stuck in a permanent pout, and an upturned nose. He wore a red velvet housecoat that he kept open. His chest was covered with armor, but his legs were covered by boxers with valentine patterns on them. Overall he looked like one wild giant.

As Percy deflected more and more fireballs the giant began to realize he was about to get smoked out and turned to look like he was going to run, but before he could a black blur fell from the trees above him, and ran two swords all the way down his body making him erupt in a golden blur of dust. Bianca stood heaving for breath grinning at Percy, "I think this monster warband is toast. No leader left now. I think you owe me a coke when we get home!"

Percy had to admire Bianca at this moment. This could've been a long chase where Percy likely would've had to follow him through half the national park before he came across a sufficient water source to drown him. He would've never outpaced the giant after all to fight him in weapon to weapon combat yet Bianca made it all too easy. The girl had grown into a hell of a warrior from the time he met her. There was even talk among the group that Michael wanted her to be Primus Pilus when he retired. The two had a weird relationship, and Percy had wondered more than once if it was romantic in nature. Michael may have been four years older than Bianca, but the girl had really matured over the last few months. She had a very athletic build, and had grown a few inches making her around five foot seven. Her confidence showed in her eyes as well at all times. It was clear to most that Bianca knew she was a damn good fighter, and a powerful demigod. It didn't help that she had just turned fifteen, and Reyna who was a year older wasn't nearly as...naturally developed as Bianca had become. The girl was gorgeous, Percy could admit. Long brown hair, confident brown eyes, she was going to be quite the catch to whoever won her heart.

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