Chapter 92.5 - Will it be the same again? (~ Afterword ~)

Start from the beginning

Nero had noticed the impact the top had on his boyfriend (BOYFRIEND!) and returned a smug smirk before diving into Leo's blanket and promptly knocking the fuck out on the pillow. Leo blinked a couple of times in disbelief before he released a snort and got himself ready for bed.

The night ended with Leo pulling Nero into his arms and never letting go throughout the night.

Nero woke up first the next morning and felt completely disoriented by the unrecognisable features of his room. It took a couple of minutes for the events of last night to come back to him and he quickly realised that he was in Leo's bed. He felt heat quickly climb to his cheeks. Regardless, he took a while to get out of bed because he busy admiring the sight in front of him. His Leo with a completely defenceless face, lightly snoring away with the smallest of smiles. His arms were around Nero's waist and he ended up being against Nero's chest, the rhythmic beatings of his heart keeping him asleep. Nero basked in the warmth while carefully playing with Leo's hair.

He was astonished that he was now allowed to do that whenever he wanted.

But alas, Nero felt the need to get breakfast ready so he quietly got out of bed, attempting to avoid waking up his lover. He successfully managed to do so but not before Leo frowned in his sleep from the sudden lack of warmth. Nero quietly snickered and tip-toed to the bathroom to get himself freshened up.

Ten minutes later brought him to the kitchen where he finally found the eggs and cooking necessities, as well as somewhat waking up from his daze. Furthermore, Leo's dog, Timmy, was being fucking adorable and followed closely behind Nero everywhere he went, yapping happily along.

Nero felt an arrow go through his heart with each yap and played with Timmy till he realised he had some cooking to do. The dog whined and Nero was seriously considering just dropping everything and kidnapping the dog but he was starved. So Nero quickly found one of Timmy's toys lying around and got him distracted with it in the living room.

It took another five minutes of fiddling around and cursing to figure out how the fancy stoves and appliances worked and finally, Nero had coated the pan with oil and poured in the quickly made omelette.

He was humming nonsensically with the sizzling and slightly swaying side to side before the humming turned into a surprised gasp and his body froze. The cause? There were arms wrapping his waist from behind and he was pulled back into a warm, big chest.

A throaty chuckle came from the person behind before the other brought his lips down to Nero's ear and greeted with his deep, morning voice, "Good morning, love."

Holy mother of Jesus.

And just when Nero got himself relatively under control, three simple words caused him to malfunction beyond compare. The underlying heat in his face quickly turned into a full-blown blush and his pants grew a lot tighter from the voice alone.

He wanted to run and hide from embarrassment but he said wasn't going to be a coward anymore so he just put his head down and shyly responded, "G-Good morning... αγάπη μου (agapi mou – my love)."

Leo had no idea what it meant but he got the gist and figured it was also a term of endearment. That made his heart fuller than it already was and he squeezed the smaller man tighter.

Nero slapped the arms a couple of times and slightly pry the arms away (but not completely). "L-Leo... I can't breathe you dumbass," he said, breathlessly.

Leo loosened but didn't let go. "Aw, I liked the term of endearment more."

Nero rolled his eyes and looked over his shoulders to finally look at his lover. Leo didn't wake up looking like his usual boss self. Instead, with his bed hair and his smile framed by his morning shadow, he kind of looked like a goofy teenage boy who found out that he was having chocolate cake for breakfast. And Nero was apparently the chocolate cake.

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