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After the long silent staring contest between Wei Wuxian, Yanli, Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng. Wei was finally the first one to break the silents, "A-Cheng? Why did you stop moving?" He lifted his head up and noticed the rest staring at him he shyly laughed, "Ow sorry, I just remembered something don't mind me. Just go eat" he waved his hand at Wei. Wei glanced at Yanli and then looked back at Jiang Cheng who was now moving his food around his plate instead of eating it. "Did you do something to Lan Wangji?" Jiang frowned his eyebrows. "And stop playing with your food", he quickly added after to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal if he did anything to Lan. Yanli rubbed Wei's back, "Let's eat first then we can start asking things, okay?" Wei turned his head and looked at her with an obedient smile, "Okay~", and thus he started to enjoy the meal she and the peacock made for him.

After being told off Jiang stopped pricking his food and started to eat like normal, but he could still feel Wei's eyes glance at him from time to time. He tried to ignore it as much as possible, but when they were both done eating they made eyecontact as the stood up. He got up and turned his back to Wei as he was heading to the sink. Wei followed him. When they both were walking to the sink Wei suddenly bursted into laughter. The rest looked at him with confusion in their eyes. Wei leaned on the counter and waved his hand in front of his face, "I'm sorry- just he-" He pointed at Jiang as he tried to catch a breath. Jiang tilted his head and asked Wei what he meant, you could clearly hear the irritation in his voice. Wei could finally muster the sentence, "He looks so innocent!" he quickly covered his mouth as he tried to stop laughing. Jiang placed his plate on the counter in case he was going to throw it at his stupid brothers face. "What do you mean innocent!?" Yanli let out a big sigh and she got up. Jin Zixuan didn't know what to do, so he just watch as Yanli stood up and brought their plates to the sink. Wei finally stopped laughing, he stood up straight and had a big grin on his face. "Do you think I'm mad at you or something?" Jiang Cheng angrily turned his head, "Why the hell would you be mad at me?" Wei shrugged, "Did you do something that would make me mad?" Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and turned his head away from him. He placed his plate in the sink and left the kitchen. Wei followed him, "Seems like you did something wrong, A-Cheng~." Jiang turned around and pushed Wei. He laughed, "Hey! It's not like I'm following you. I also need to head into that direction." He lifted his hand up in the air. Jiang let out a little 'tsk' sound. Wei giggled and walked past him to the stairs.

He took out his phone from his pocket and he saw that multiple people had messaged him. he scrolled through the list of names and at the bottom was Lan Wangji's. He tapped on his name and stood at the top of the stairs as he took his time to look at his message.

I can come to you as well, I don't want you to get hurt.

A little smile formed on his face and he replied: Don't worry I'm not that fragile.

He went to his room and put his hands on his hips. I have a free day of work...what does someone do when they have nothing to do... He let out a big sigh and sat on his chair. Maybe I should invite him- But Jiang Cheng seems mad or whatever. He let out another big sigh. He took out his phone again and looked at the closing time of The Cloud Recesses. They close at 8- But then he would be very tired! He slid down into his chair and let out a loud groan.

The last few customers finally left and the employees left one by one. Until Wangji and his brother were alone in the bar. Xichen was finishing counting the money they had earned today while Wangji was checking if everything else was ready to be used tomorrow. He walked back to where Xichen was. "Done." Xichen looked at him, "That's great" he smiled "you can head out first. You must be tired." Wangji shook his head, "I'll wait." Xichen smiled softened, "Then sit down. You were standing the whole day." Wangji sat down on a chair and took out his phone. He saw Wei's message but didn't respond back. He was probably sleeping now and it's not like he could go against what he just said. Wei Ying was far from fragile, but that doesn't mean he will never break or hadn't.

Xichen finally finished and they both left the building, but when they were walking to Wangji's car they saw someone standing near it. Wangji immediately frowned his eyebrows. It's that Wen brat. Xichen walked a little ahead of his younger brother and called out to the stranger. "Hello, can we help you?" The stranger turned his head and shyly smiled at the two. 

Emperors SmileTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon