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The next morning Jiang Cheng walked down the stairs after getting read for work. He didn't see Wei in his room, so he thought he left for work. But then he suddenly saw him on the couch, still in the clothes from yesterday. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch. He tried to wake him up by smashing a pillow on to his face, but he had no reaction. Jiang lifted an eyebrow. He shook his shoulder and again no reaction. At that moment his sister joined then in the living room, "A-Cheng- Ah why is A-Xian here?" He shrugged, "He doesn't want to wake up." His sister crouched and played a bit with Wei Wuxian's hair, "A-Xian, you might get a cold since you didn't sleep with a blanket." No reaction. She tilted her head a little and tickled him. No reaction. She looked at Jiang Cheng, "What happened yesterday?" He shrugged, "We went out to the bar, then he went to Lan Wangji's place since he was sick or whatever. And we texted last night too, he was in the taxi." Yanli stood up and walked away, "I'm getting dad." Jiang watched her walk away and turned his head back to Wei. After a few seconds he held his arm to check his heartbeat. He was slightly shaking. But luckily it did beat, although it was a faint, there was still a pulse. Jiang scoffed, did he really think this idiot was dead? Who would want him dead? But if he wasn't dead, why is he not waking up?

Their father came and walked to Wei. Yanli worriedly held on to Jiang Cheng's arm. Jiang Fengmian opened Wei's mouth to smell it. It didn't reek of alcohol. He backed off and looked at Jiang Cheng. "Pick him up, we have to go to the hospital." He frowned his eyebrows, "Why? What's wrong with him?" Fengmian stroked his arm, "I don't Cheng-er, that's why we need to go to the hospital." Yanli let go of his arm, "I- I'll grab some of his things." She headed upstairs. Fengmain returned to his room to get ready, and Jiang Cheng stood there looking down at his brother. Why do these things happen when they meet?

They arrived in the hospital and the doctor let the family know that he had been drugged. Yanli freaked out and asked who or how this could happen. A few nurses brought her out the room and brought her some water. Jiang Cheng had the same questions as his sister, but he knew who to ask these questions. He told his father that he could return home with Yanli. He would stay in the hospital and wait for Wei to wake up. As the two of them returned home Yanli called Jin Zixuan and he calmed her down. "It's going to be okay. He's in the hospital now and A-Cheng is with him. So, don't worry, you wouldn't want Wei to feel guilty after making his sister worry so much." She sighed, "But how could this happen. He was with Wangji and then he returned home. What could've happened in that short time span and- and who! It's not like we're meddling is weird business." Jin didn't know what to say, he just knew that she needed to think of something else. "Want me to come over? We could make some food for when he comes back home?" There was no response at the other side of the phone until Yanli asked, "Could you buy a few things on your way?", in a cute voice. Jin laughed, "Just send me a list." "Thank you!", he could hear her smile through her words. Before Jin left his house, he told his brother why he was going to the Jiang household. He texted Lan Xichen and he texted his little brother. That's how Lan Wangji hastily made his way to the hospital.

He carefully opened the door to the room Wei was laying in. He saw Jiang Cheng sitting at his bed. He turned his head to see who came in the room and his neutral expression turned into anger. He got up and pushed Lan out the room. He closed the door. He turned back to Lan, "Why did you come?" Lan frowned his eyebrows a little, "I'm worried." Jiang folded his arms, "Every time you're worried my brother gets hurt. Back then and now too!" Lan looked at Wei through the glass on the door. Jiang moved his head in front of him, "You can leave now. He doesn't need you." Lan looked down at the ground and decided to leave after a few seconds. Jiang returned next to Wei's bed, and he waited for him to wake up.

After a few hours Wei finally woke up. He gently raised his hand to cover his eyes his head felt like it was ready to burst open. He let out a little grunt. Jiang Cheng waited patiently for his brother to notice him. Wei's eyes got used to the light and he looked around. From left to right and he saw Jiang Cheng there. He remained in eye contact with him before he said, "Where am I?" "Good to know you're still as stupid as before." Jiang Cheng got up from his chair. Wei sat up, "Where are you going?" Jiang opened a door, "Doctor!" Wei felt a ringing in his head, "Don't scream." And in response to that he carefully closed the door. He laid back down and let a big sigh come out. He didn't remember what happened after he got out of the taxi. And why did he feel so tired again? He lightly shook his head as a gesture to just forget about it.

Jiang came back with a nurse who ran some test on Wei to figure out if the drug had any lasting effect on him. "Which substance got into his system?", Jiang asked while trying to make it seem less shitty so that Wei wouldn't freak out. The nurse turned to him after being done with Wei and said, "We didn't take a sample from him. Since you guys found out late, the drug might have worn out." Jiang's polite expression faded away. Wei looked at the nurse, "Drug? I was drugged?" he swiftly turned his head to Jiang Cheng who looked pissed. "You didn't take a sample?" "No sir." "Why not?" She held her hands together while looking at the ground, "It's protocol- I'm just saying was happened I had no part." Before Jiang could say anything, else Wei thanked her and excused her from the situation. After she left Wei looked back at Jiang, "You didn't have to freak out at her. It was my fault." He rubbed his head, "And it sucks even more that I can't remember how it happened." Jiang was now pissed at him, "Don't blame yourself." Wei lightly shook his head, "Forget it. But I'm good to go now, right? Can we go home?" Jiang nodded, "I'll go tell then." Wei got out of the bed, "Thanks and don't yell at them." He said, "Can't promise anything", before he closed the door. Wei chuckled a little. He checked his phone before getting ready. The top messages were from Lan Wangji.

Are you okay?

Tell me when you're awake.

Do you want to come over?

Wei stood still for a few seconds but then shrugged his shoulders up, Word travels fast. He opened their text.

I'm okay. I might come over another time.

He turned his phone off and got ready to leave with Jiang Cheng.

When they returned home Yanli ran to the door and hugged Wei. "Aaah, A-Xian don't scare me like that." Wei wrapped his arms around her. Jiang noticed that his sister was wearing an apron. He pointed at it and asked, "Why you wearing that?" She let go of Wei to look at him, "I'm making something delicious." Both of their expressions turned into curious once. She laughed. She took both of their hands and led them to the kitchen. Jin Zixuan was still busy plating the food when they came in, so he didn't notice them. But he got dragged out of his concentrated state by Wei Wuxian's groan. He turned his head and saw him lean on Yanli. "Why is he here!" Jiang Cheng was the only one who greeted him. He waved a little at him. Yanli patted Wei's cheek, "Because he is my boyfriend." Jin turned his blushing face away from them. And Wei let out another groan. Jiang pushed him, "Stop complaining and sit down." Wei pouted and sat down at the table. Yanli patted his head, "How are you feeling?" He smiled at her, "I'm fine." Jiang glared at him. He noticed and tried to push him. Jiang ran away to Jin while laughing a little. "Do you need help?" Jin's flustered face quickly said no, "You can sit down, it's fine." "Alright", he sat down in front of Wei. The room was silent after that only the sound of the utensils Jin was using made sound. But then Wei suddenly spoke again, "Why does everybody know that...this happened?" Yanli hesitantly took her hand of his head, "That- might have been my fault. I was worried and I told Zixuan." Jin grabbed Wei and Jiang's plate first and placed them on the table, "My fault, I told my brother why I was heading out." Jiang picked up one of the utensils and asked Wei why he asked that. "Ow, just that Wangji texted me." He was about to pick up something from the plate but stopped moving when he heard that. The three people around him didn't say anything but they all wondered the same. Why did you stop moving?

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