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Lan Xichen smiled as he saw them walk in, 'Did you enjoy your break Wangji?' He nodded. 'And what about you Mr. Wei?' 'Ow, it was very enjoyable.' 'Great to hear, will you be sitting down? Then I'll get you a seat at the bar.' 'Thank you for the offer but I think I'm gonna head home, I still have a few things to do.' 'Alright have a great day.' 'You too.', he bowed and smiled at Lan Wangji as he left the bar.

'So, where did you go Wangji?', he asked with a little smirk. Lan Wangji looked at him and walked to the back of the bar. Lan Xichen smiled and thought, aawh he's so happy.

Wei Wuxian went home.

'Aah! I forgot to ask his number, I'm so stupid- .' 'Who's number?'

Wei Wuxian turned around and saw Jiang Cheng. 'Uh- Lan Zhan's number, the guy from the bar.'

Jiang Cheng turned his eyes and walk to his room and thought, He always thinks about him doesn't he have anything better to do?

Wei Wuxian looked down. He's still angry at me. At that moment Yanli returned home, 'A-Xian are you okay, you look so sad.', she smiled. Her smile comforted him. 'Is A-Cheng still mad at me?' 

Yanli sat down and patted on the spot next to her. Wei Wuxian went to sit down next to her. 'A-Cheng is never mad at you, maybe a little upset but never mad.' 'Some people do call that mad Shi-Jie.' She laughed a little. 'You should know this by now. You're not 5 anymore.' 'You're right Shi-Jie, I'm 3 years old.' He held 3 fingers up next to his face and smiled. Yanli booped his nose. Wei Wuxian let his hand down and Yanli held it. 'If you're worried about something you can just ask him. He's stressed and worried about dad and worried about you.'

Wei Wuxian rested his head on her hands. 'You understand?', she places her other hand on his head. Wei Wuxian nodded. 'Good.'

'Ow Shi-Jie.', He sat up straight. Yanli looked at him. 'Do you know anything about The Nightless City, it's a night club.' Yanli shook her head, 'Never been there, maybe dad or A-Cheng knows about them?' 'I'll ask later, they randomly send me a weird email.' Yanli curiously asked, 'What was in it?' Wei Wuxian looked deep in thought.

'...I forgot.' Yanli let out a little laugh. 'Don't laugh at me! I thought maybe they send it to the wrong person.' Yanli smiled, 'Alright, but maybe they'll send a new one soon. If it was meant for you.' He nodded.

Wei Wuxian went to Jiang Cheng's door and knocked on it. There was no reply. 'A-Cheng? I'm coming in.' He opened the door and Jiang Cheng was already in bed.

He sat on the bed. 'You might be asleep or might not be because you wanna ignore me, first of all rude. And second, are you still mad at me?'

Jiang Cheng turned around and looked at him. '...You never get it do you. When someone is acting like they're asleep they don't want to talk to you. You do know that, right?'

'yE, but I wanted to talk to you.' Jiang Cheng sighed and sat up, 'I'm not mad at you.' 'Really!' 'Don't get so happy! I'm still pissed about you leaving every second you feel unwelcomed or whatever, do you know how worried Yanli was when she didn't  see you at work today. Nie Huaisang had to eat your lunch!' 'What, she made Lotus soup!?' 'Stop yelling, you're not even listening. Do you even want to work there!' Wei Wuxian put his arm around him. 'Of course, I wanna work there. Like how Lan Zhan had his brother work at the bar. We will work at The Lotus Pier and we will become millionaires!'. Jiang Cheng pushed his arm off, 'Stop dreaming.' 'It's not gonna be a dream if I make it a reality.', he placed his arm back. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and shook his head a little. Wei Wuxian giggled a bit. 'Then you better do your work properly, or I'll kick you out.' 'Yes, I will work very hard.', He put his hand up, 'I, Wei Wuxian promise to put my heart and soul in the company.' 'Aiya, dramatic.' They both laughed.

'But why did you want that guys number?', Jiang Cheng asked. Wei Wuxian nervously laughed and put his hand behind his head. 'Well...' Jiang Cheng folded his arms and looked at him.

'He just cheered me up and told me how to make it up with you.' 'He talked to you? As friends?', Jiang Cheng said while looking very shocked. Wei Wuxian pushed him, 'Hey! We're friends!' Jiang Cheng laughed. 'You sure it's just friends Mr. Wei?', he rubbed his chin and smiled at him.

Wei Wuxian put his hands on his face and lightly blushed. 'Are you blushing!' 'Sssh! Don't yell that.' Jiang Cheng gasped, 'Do you like him?' 'I don't know...' 'Wow you promised me you would sta- .' 'I didn't say I was gonna run away with him A-Cheng and besides, I still need a job if I do plan to run away.' Jiang Cheng hit him, 'Don't run away from me you idiot.' Wei Wuxian shielded himself and smiled, 'Yes sir.' 'Good, now get out and let me sleep!'

Wei Wuxian got up and left. 'Sleep well A-Cheng.'

Jiang Cheng smiled a little and laid back down. 

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