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Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian went back home.

Wei just got out the shower and laid on his bed. He was looking at videos on his phone. He saw an ad about The Cloud Recess.

Should I text him? Or no, maybe it's too late. No, let me just do it, I don't want him to be mad at me again. He opened the app. Ow he put the name as Lan Zhan. Laaan Zhaaan, cute.

- Hey, it's me Wei.

- From the bar and work.

Mh, I know -

Ow that was fast- was he waiting for me to text him? Pff no.

Will you be coming to the bar? -

- Ah

- I haven't been there in a long time.

- I've been a bit busy with work. Maybe I can come in the weekend.

I'll be there then -

- Can't wait to see you😉

Omg why did I do a wink face... He laughed out loud.

At that moment Jiang Cheng walked past his room and heard him laugh. 'What a maniac.'

The weekend approached. Wei and Nie Huaisang went to the bar. 'Are you gonna get drunk today, Wei?' Wei made a judgey look on his face. Nie laughed. 'I don't want Jiang Cheng to get mad at me and I'm not a lightweight!' 'bUT you can just drink more until you're drunk.' 'Will you buy me drinks then?' Nie didn't respond and Wei just looked at him waiting for an answer. Nie suddenly spoke, '...Omg look a bar', he calmly walked inside the bar. Wei laughed a little and walked after him.

As usual Lan Wangji was working by the bar, Lan Xichen was the main host and Lan Qiren was just sitting somewhere calm, most likely in his office.

Xichen saw Nie and Wei first and he politely greeted them, 'Mr. Wei, Mr. Nie welcome back. You two haven't been here for a while, have you?' Wei answered, 'Yeaaa, we both have been busy- or well I was I don't know what he was doing.' Nie looked shocked at Wei, 'What do you mean with that! I am the most hard-working man I have ever met!' Wei ignored him, 'So where can we sit?' Xichen smiled politely and he pointed his hand in a direction, 'Please follow me.' Nie was hurt from the comment Wei made, or well the no comment Wei made and just looked at him hurtfully. Wei followed Xichen. Nie stood in the same place for a while just being hurt.

Wangji saw his brother and Wei Wuxian walk in. His eyes lightened up a bit.

Nie hurried after Wei, 'How dare you not comment on me!'

And the light disappeared.

Nie and Wei sat down, and they looked at the menu. Nie asked Wei, 'Why are you looking at the menu?' Wei answered while still looking at the menu, 'Maybe they added something new.' 'Maybe maybe', He looked back down at the menu, 'Should we get side dishes?' Wei placed the menu down, 'You're gonna pay right', before Nie could answer Wei raised his hand to order. Nie put on a panicked face.

'What would you like to order sir?' Wei was ready to order the whole menu. Lan Wangji stood next to the waiter. Wei looked at him, 'Ow hi, how have you been?' 'Come sit at the bar.' Wei looked at Nie, 'Wanna sit there?' 'Su-.' Lan cut him off, 'Just you.' Wei looked at Lan, then back at Nie, 'But that would be rude of me to leave him.' Lan Wangji looked at Nie Huaisang like he was telling him to leave. Nie got uncomfortable because he was gazing him down. 'Uhm, I guess I'll just go home.' Wei just looked a little confused, 'Okay? Bye?' Lan finally spoke again, 'Bar.' Wei got of his seat, 'He would've paid for me, but sure.' he walked to the bar. Lan walked after him, Success

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