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Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were at home.

'A-Cheng! A-Xian! Come sit down I made Lotus Pork Rib soup.', Jiang Yanli happily called for them. 'A-Jie, Wei Ying is a drunkard!', Jiang Cheng said while laughing. 'That is not true!', Wie Wuxian stood behind Jiang Yanli and said 'Shi-Jie protect me I'm being bullied! Jiang Yanli turned around and pinched his cheek, 'Our Xianxian is strong enough to protect himself.' Wei Wuxian smiled. 'But sit down and eat.'

The guys sat down while Yanli poured the soup in the bowls. 'How was your day A-Cheng?' 'It was fine, just a lot busier since dad is doing less.', Jiang Cheng sighed. 'Come on your uncle is old, he deserves his rest.', Wei Wuxian said.

Jiang Fengmian walked down, 'Aah, you can ask me when you need help Cheng'er.' 'No need father, I can handle it.', Jiang Cheng said as he took the bowl from his A-Jie. 'Sit down papa I'll get another bowl.', Jiang Yanli said with a smile. Jiang Fengmian sat down, at that moment his wife Yu Ziyuan walked in and said to Jiang Yanli, 'Are you a maid?' Jiang Yanli put her head down. Yu Ziyuan walked to Jiang Fengmian, 'You act like your daughter is a maid, what's wrong with you?' He turned around, 'Sweetie, she just wants to do it, what's wrong with that?' She made a "tsk" sound and waved her hand in the air.

One of the two maids that were following her went to get another bowl and poured the soup in for Jiang Fengmian. Jiang Yanli sat down and waited until she poured a bowl in for her, then she started eating.

'Jiang Cheng has made a lot a profit.', Wei Wuxian said trying to lighten up the mood. Jiang Fengmian looked at Wei Wuxian. 'Uhm he worked my plan out very well, he's a great leader.', after he said that he took a full spoon of the soup. 'Your plan, mh?', It looked like Jiang Fengmian was thinking about something.

'You're not going to say anything to your son?', Yu Ziyuan angrily said. Jiang Fengmian looked surprised at her. 'What is with that look, you can talk to Wei Wuxian but not to your own son? It's like you hate him!' Jiang Fengmian looked really confused at her, 'Why would I hate him, he didn't do anything wrong.'

Jiang Cheng stood up and walked away from the table. 'A-Cheng!', Wei Wuxian worriedly said and walked after him.

In the hall

Wei Wuxian held on to his arm, 'Stop ignoring me' Jiang Cheng shook his hand of and kept walking, 'Get the hint.' 'You know he's stricter with you because you're his son and I'm not.' Jiang Cheng turned around and yelled, 'He's like that to me because he hates me!' Wei Wuxian looked worried, 'A-Cheng- .' Jiang Cheng interrupted him, 'Other people think you're his son! Why don't you just take him!', he walked away to his room and slammed the door shut.

Wei Wuxian started to feel uneasy. I shouldn't have said anything, it's all my fault, he thought as he walked to his own room.

If I just kept my mouth shut nothing would have happened. You stupid Wei Wuxian, you never know when to shut up.' He sighed.

He turned his laptop on and checked his email's. 'Huh, from who's this email?' He got an email from someone he doesn't know and there was almost no text.

A letter will be sent.

He muttered the name, 'Nightless City.' He looked up the name and it happened to be a night club. He thought about why he would get a letter from another business and not Jiang Cheng or Jiang Fengmian. Did I get in trouble with one of their men? No, I haven't gotten in a fight these last months, he thought.

'Whatever maybe they send it to the wrong person?' He deleted the email and closed his laptop.

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