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Wei Wuxian got in a taxi with Lan Wangji. He tried to ask where they were going, but he didn't answer.

Am I getting kidnapped? No, right, he wouldn't do that, RIGHT, He turned his head to look at Lan Wangji. He turned his head as well, now they're just staring at each other.

The taxi stopped at the beginning of the forest. Lan Wangji paid the driver and got out; Wei Wuxian followed him. Lan Wangji didn't really say anything the whole walk.

'Uhm Lan Zhan, where are we going?' He didn't answer. Wei Wuxian sighed and kept following him.

After a while they arrived.

It was at a part of the forests where you could see a waterfall in the distance. Wei Wuxian felt kind of calm and sighed, but he felt relieved.

'I thought you were going to kill me or something.' Lan Wangji looked weirdly at him, like he was saying, what's your problem. Wei Wuxian laughed a little, 'But why did you bring me here?'

'Relax.', he looked at him. 'You can tell me what's wrong?' Lan Wangji looked unsure while asking that like he didn't know if he was allowed to ask that.

'Well, my parents died when I was little. I lived on the street for a while, then Mr. Jiang he found me. My father and him used to be friends so he didn't hesitate to take me in. A-Cheng had dogs, but I'm scared of them, so he had to get rid of them. He got mad because of that so I ran away again, but Shi-Jie and him found me and brought me home. I owe them so much, but I keep ruining everything. Jiang Cheng thinks I'm a replacement, in his fathers eyes.'

Wei Wuxian looked up and sighed while trying not to cry.

Lan Wangji looked worried. Wei Wuxian looked at him, 'Weird to hear it from a guy to don't even know, huh?' Lan Wangji shook his head.

'I just don't know what to do now. I want to make it better, but I'm scared to mess it up more.'

'Just try.' Wei Wuxian looked at him. 'Try?' Lan Wangji nodded. 'Try what? TrY MeSsInG iT uP MoRe?' Lan Wangji gave him a disappointed look. Wei Wuxian laughed.

Lan Wangji looked at him with a little smile. 'Whaa that's the first time I saw you smile, you have other emotions then angry, upset and worried.', he laughed again.

Lan Wangji looked at him and said, 'Shameless.' He got up and walked back to where the taxi driver dropped them off.

Wei Wuxian got up and walked after him, 'Aawh come on, it was a compliment, kinda, I guess.' He laughed again. Lan Wangji shook his head.

They arrived back at the spot and Lan Wangji called for another taxi and Wei Wuxian looked around the forest.

'Lan Zhan! Look a bunny.', he happily said as he was waving at Lan Wangji to come and look. Lan Wangji walked to him and looked. 'Aren't they cute?' 'Mh.'

'It's so weird that they're not scared- they should be running away from your face.', he looked at Lan Wangji while trying not to laugh. Lan Wangji rolled his eyes and walked back. 'Wait Lan Zhan it was a joke!', he walked after him. 'Lan Zhaaaaaan.'

Lan Wangji tried to ignore him. Wei Wuxian put his arm on his shoulder, 'But thanks, I do feel a little better.' 'How so?'

Wei Wuxian took his arm off him. 'Well, you kind of helped me talk about it, I guess.' He rubbed the back of his head. 'You're the only person who I told this, although Shi-Jie also knows somethings. But you know like all of it now so.' He giggled nervously.

'Thanks for trusting me.', He looked at Wei Wuxian. 'Well, you seem like a trustworthy person.' Lan Wangji nodded a little, as a thank you.

The taxi came and they went back to the bar.

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