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Lan Qiren let out an cough as he reached for his cup that was set on the table. Everyone in the room turned their eyes on him. He held the cup close to his mouth, but before he took a sip he asked, "Are we going to sit here in silence?" Jiang Fengmian let out a little chuckle as he turned his head away from the other man, who were seated around the table. Nie Mingjue folded his arms and glanced at the suited man standing around them. Jin Guangshan sat up straight, "You did have something to discuss with us, did you not?" He leaned towards Wen as he said that. Wen Ruohan slowly realised his eyes from Lan who seemed to be enjoying his tea, "I do." Nie let out a mocking scoff, "Then say it.", he didn't feel the need to make eye contact with that old bastard. Ruohan glared at Nie Mingjue, "I have reasons to believe that someone has been giving either one of you information about my company." Lan let out a grunt as he placed down his cup, "You want to blame us for your team being bad with paperwork?" Jin nodded, "If you know that there is a leak, why haven't you done anything about it?" Wen let out a deep sigh, "Because I do not know who it is." Nie let out a loud scoff and got up from his seat, "Then let us know when you do. I don't have time for this."

As he made his way to the door two of the suited man blocked his way.

Wen Ruohand folded his legs as he said, "Is there a reason you're already leaving, Nie Mingjue?" with a sharp tongue. Nie slightly turned his head towards him, "Like I said I'm busy." Lan shook his head and Jiang frowned his eyebrows. He looked at Wen, "Just let the kid go." But he snapped back at Jiang with, "He's not a child anymore." Lan Qiren immediately butted in, "Compaired to us he is.", he tilted his head as he pierced through Wen with his gaze. He let out a 'tsk' sound as he waved his hand in the air.

The two man moved themselves away from the door and Nie Mingjue swung the door open as he left. One of them closed the door.

Everyone moved their attention back to Wen Ruohan. A subtle smirk on his face. "Since your attention spans are running out, I'll make this quicker. If any of you hear anything that doesn't come from me, be so kind to let me know. Even if you are working with each other." During the last part he took his time to look at Lan Qiren and Jiang Fengmian. After this 'meeting' was done Lan was the first one to get up. "This could've been an email." he said as he fixed his jacket before he left the room. Jiang got up after him and formally greeted Jin and Wen before he walked away. Jin was the only one who stayed seated. He leaned his arm on the armchair, "Wen, I think you should be careful with those Lan's, they seem so... sneaky." After he was done he nodded to himself in agreement. Wen rubbed his chin, "They haven been more active with the Jiang's. Maybe they're planning something against me." Jin nodded even more. "Highly possible I've seen Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian get really friendly with each other. That kid might still be creating problems for you."

When Nie Mingjue left the building he drove straight to Lan Xichen's penthouse to tell him what just had happened. When he arrived upstairs he saw that Jin Guangyao was there aswell.

Xichen smiled as he opened the door, "Mingjue why are you here so early?" He walks in and took off his shoes while he told him where he just came from. Xichen smile turned into a small frown. "A-Yao already told me his dad went to an unplanned meeting." Nie tilted his head, "He's here?" Xichen nodded, "He stayed over." Nie let out a 'mh' sound as he walked to the Livingroom. Jin Guangyao was sitting at the dinner table eating his breakfast. "Ge!", when he saw Nie he got up and walked towards him. He had a little smile on his face, "Good morning". Jin smiled broadly as he said good morning to him.

"But why did you leave so early. Wouldn't it be more of use if you stayed?", Lan asked while coming walking into the Livingroom. Nie sighed, "It's not like any important information would've been shared. It was just an old man complaining." Jin tilted his head, "How old are you again Nie-Ge?" Nie lightly shook his head, "Go back to eating your food." Jin Guangyao smiled and did as he was tolded. 

Thank you for reading until now and waiting for me to upload. I hope all of you have a good new year and I'll see you again somewhere in January ^^

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