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            The water from the grass seeps through my shoes and onto my toes, as a gentle breeze cools my skin. Darkness surrounds me, with a small amount of light shining from a faraway moon. The faint moonlight attempts to pierce the darkness, but the darkness is too strong making it hard to see. Some sort of insect makes a steady chirping sound, and something bigger seems to be singing. Not with words, or humming, almost like bird song but different. The singing noise has a tune but seems indistinct at the same time. Whatever is making this noise sounds big enough to eat the bird, perhaps big enough to eat me. I shiver as goosebumps cover my arms. "Couldn't we have brought some sort of flashlight or something? This place is so warm and inviting during the day, I definitely wasn't expecting chilly and creepy at night." I quietly complain.

        "Flashlight?" Kat whispers. "What is that?"

        "A mini light that you can take with you." I explain, coming to a stop beside her.

        "Oh, okay. That sounds similar to Pulsis powder."

          "Pulsis Powder? What is that?"

        "A glow powder that you throw on the ground, that gives off just enough light to see where you are going. Completely biodegradable within a few hours and terrible if a breeze starts blowing. Looks exactly like sand."

       "Weird." I say.

        "I guess. Look, we didn't bring a light source because we don't want to get caught."

       "Yeah, I get that, but I feel like something is watching me. Something large. That creepy singing isn't helping."

         "Yeah, that thing, whatever it is, is freaking me out as well. And I don't scare easily. It doesn't help that I feel like I've heard that sound before. It's tugging at the edge of my mind, but I can't figure out why." Kat says.

          "Does it matter? If it was important, I'm sure you would remember."

          "Yeah, I guess you are right. Come on, let's keep moving. The sooner we find it, the sooner we can go back to bed."

           "Find what? Are you ever going to tell me what in the world we are looking for? Ugh! Can't that thing just shut up for two minutes?!" I say that last part a little louder than I intended. I am rewarded with silence, as the creepy singing stops.

           "What the heck? Did it just hush? When you asked it to shut up?"

            "Yeah, it did. I think the silence is freaking me out even more. Can we please get out of here?" I ask, pushing Kat.

          "Yep. I agree. Come on. I think the building I am looking for is up ahead." She says, turning and starting to run.

         We dash through a small yard, past a large fruit tree, and up against the next building. Flattening ourselves against the wall, we quickly but quietly slide across the wall, to the corner of the building. We pause momentarily as Kat sticks her head around the corner. I hear a rustling noise and turn back the way we just came from. As I squint into the darkness, I swear I see movement, a shadow against a shadow. The movement is so slight, that for a moment, I am sure that I was wrong. In fact, I am just about to write it off as my overly active imagination, when I see it again. By the fruit tree, I see another slight movement, this time I am sure whoever is following us is tall. We are being followed. We are caught. But why aren't they busting us instead of following? Maybe they are curious about what we are doing. Could it be Altair? My heart sinks in my chest, and my stomach feels like it's full of lead. If it is Altair and he does catch us, surely, we will be kicked off the planet. And then where will I go?

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