“Baby are you ready to go? We have to be there before everyone else.” Harry said interrupting my thoughts. I don’t know why but I just ran up to him and pressed my lips firmly to his. Harry put his hands on my lower back and pulled me in closer to deepen our kiss, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. Harry licked my bottom lip for entrance, but I didn’t give it to him instead I smiled and pulled away. I rested my forehead on his as we both tried to regain our breath.

“What was that for? Not that I’m complaining that was amazing.” Harry smiled.

“You have made me the luckiest girl on earth and I just love you so much.” I said.

“Well you make me the happiest lad on earth, so I guess we are even eh?” He laughed.

“I guess so. Now I suppose we should go to our rehearsal dinner or our guest might get annoyed we aren’t there.” I smiled. Harry gave me a sweet peck on my lips before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together.

“Let’s go then.” He smiled.

“Okay. Wait is Penny here to watch Darcy yet?” I asked.

“Yeah they are in the living room.” He smiled. I nodded and followed him downstairs.

“Okay Penny we are leaving. If you need anything you know our numbers.” Harry said.

“Okay! Have fun! Oh and Allie I can’t wait to see your dress Saturday. I’m sure it’s gorgeous.” Penny smiled.

“Thanks! I honestly can’t wait to wear it.” I giggled as I went over and kissed the top of Darcy’s head.

“Bye baby girl we will see you later.” Harry said kissing Darcy’s cheek. She giggled, but quickly went back to what she was doing.

“Alright you two you need to leave. Darcy will be fine.” Penny laughed.

“Okay! Thanks again for watching her.” I smiled as I began to head towards the front door.  Harry followed me and opened the front door for me.


Harry and I just went through the jest of the ceremony and now we are just reviewing last minute things with Rachel (Wedding Planner).

“We are going to head out to the restaurant, so we will see you two there.” Liam smiled. . Liam and Danielle just found out they were expecting their first child a month ago. They were so happy, and we were all so happy for them.

“Okay we won’t be far behind you.” I said. He just nodded and went to find Dani.

After Harry, Maggie, and I talked for a few minutes Harry and I left for dinner. I wasn’t really hungry, but I was happy just to spend time with my family and friends. Penny had texted me letting me know that Darcy was in bed sleeping for the night about 15 minutes ago. I always loved when Penny watched Darcy, because she would keep me updated without me having to ask her. Harry liked that too, but I don’t think he would admit it to anyone. MEN right?

“Allie what are you getting?” Harry whispered in my ear.

“Urmmm I don’t really know actually. I’m not that hungry right now.” I shrugged. Harry looked at me weird when I said I wasn’t that hungry.

“What?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“No offense, but you are always hungry especially when we come here. Are you not feeling well?” He asked concerned and confused.

“I’m fine Harry. I’m just not that hungry. I might just get a small bowl of pasta or something.” I said.

“Okay.” Harry said returning his glance back at the menu. Why does something always have to be wrong if I’m not hungry? My mum used to think the same thing when I lived at home, and it drove me nuts.

It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now