Chapter 26 - It was just a Hug

Start from the beginning

She was pissed. As she walked fast-paced against the floorboard that she walked and opened the door open, that she stepped out and didn't hear him calling her out.

To which in denial that she could ever muster and she would have held in a few seconds, and which that she thought she could. Her heart was beating fast and she didn't know what to say. What was happening, and how she would like to leave the castle -- of every memory of being that she went through for the past time, and if that didn't break her heart, she would've wished against a wishing star for something to erase her memories.

And getting along with her schedule and a boring daily live that she had once upon a time ago.

And to which that she stormed out of the room in anger, confusion, and most important of all -- love, which she clearly didn't know what that meant entirely, or the things that he made her feel during the day, or the moment of the heat that she just escaped from, or the fact that she just wanted to slap the man for being so urgent, or the fact that she just delved right into it. Right into the man who just wanted her to. Or that it was that she felt a grab on her hand. Or that it just a mere, true gesture there she just wanted to run away from, from him, to escape so she wouldnt be feeling any of these feelings anymore. And to that they would breakup. And for once to which maybe they shouldn't have met. Wishing -- that maybe he would suddenly disappear, or just out of her sight, at least.

Or maybe it was just that maybe she had forgotten that he just proposed to her, or that he had just used his charm so that she wouldn't remember. And she was pissed. There was something nagging in the back of her mind that she didn't remember and she hated it. She couldn't quite put ber finger on it, and she couldn't ask anyone else for support or comfort.

As she felt a hand against her arm. As he called out, "Averithe." Heaving out, and wafting a hot air against her hair and the back of her neck.

And which she didn't want to turn back. To look at his eyes and his face, as she had her back against him and as her legs stood frozen on the carpeted floor. She didn't answer.

She sighed. She had been feeling she had been going crazy for awhile, and she didn't know how to get rid of it.

In the aftermath, maybe she shouldn't have taken it this far. She should've left the man the first encounter that they met. To which it resounded as a date, as she recalled it in her head. Memoirs of red and the shining gala she would always remember and stuck up in her wheel of memories.

She finally felt a slight fever of awkwardness in the air and she looked back. Snapped her head and turned to look at the greenest of eyes she had ever seen, and he seemed to be a little bit sad.

As he saw her eyes, the beauty and the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen- which had been glazed and the memoirs of a glazed, watery appearance in both of her eyes.

Considering the fact that the man had been used to manipulating -romancing the tiny woman of her stature, that she felt afraid, and weird of what he was gonna do to her. The fact that the man was a natural, and he would do anything in a sense to seduce any woman he wanted, and slither his way into anything he wanted, -and in her head she wasn't exaggerating.

And she was about to cry.

To which she had a bit of a memory malfunction, and that she had no idea he had proposed to her the other day- the idea -- or a tiny fraction that he loved her very much -cherished her. For just a moment, they stared at each other in the eyes. That she thought about him every time, and for a fact that her cheeks turned red in crimson, of all the things that he did to her -  purely out of no reason.

-or a course that would clearly show her a path of what was happening, or what was gonna happen. To his feelings
and whether she would be enough to reprocipocate.

She did, in hopes for herself to preserve her love and her emotions and memories of him together. In hopes of them getting a better future, and nonetheless, she remembered, that he wanted a wedding. She remembered what he said and she frozen. She was stuck. In a sudden, she  had remembered that he wanted to put a ring on her finger, and she froze.

Or to the fact that he was a vampire.

She didn't know what he felt. What he felt against her or what he wanted to do with her - out of a pure reason.

-As her mind wafted all these things, - she suddenly remembered, to which she couldn't know what to say - that he asked for her hand  -- or which that her voice was stuck and there was a lump in her throat.

All of the memories inside her head moving backwards --where her forehead was stuck to his, his warmth and memories etched across her head, the delusion of utter romance and a hopeless love. Moreover that her body was spun as his hands held boths sides of her hips and now she was fully-facing his reckless stature.

And now, that she remembered, that he had shared their kisses together. And he was the one who started it most of the time. Her cheeks turned more crimson as he stared down looking at her, he saw as her eyes and face reflected against his.

There was an instance where he wanted to kiss her, where after she wanted to say yes, but she was stuck. And she almost bawled, her heart jumping and about to spring towards the moon of an endless distance.

He knew, that the moment they made eyes that she had probably known the tiny fraction of a memory that he had. When the spell broke, and of which he didn't want to use too much force of a powerful magic against her. And of which, that he wished she would have accepted him, of a the tiny ittle fragments she saw in her head --or have came to an acceptance to, if she didn't understand.

As they stood before each other, she didn't know how to respond as he stood before her, grasping her arm for dear life. Staring at her wide eyed, he knew she couldn't possibly deny him.

She had felt that her head was about to burst out in sweat, flames, and sweat.

Just like a volcano.
Averithe, at the moment, did not want to be the lunatic who runs away into the void of no direction that her feet ran towards to, and whereas the man didn't want the wedding to be cancelled, moreover like a chase between him and her, running, blocking her every paths escape. She didnt know what to do if she said she would have given her more time if she were him.

After she stormed out of the room, she had always thought she looked stupid. What would come up if she couldn't just talk to the man of what she wanted --of what it really is. And she didn't know what to do. Which way to go, let alone why she did it. And for a moment of still that she stood in front of him, she wanted to hug him.

Not knowing what to say and just feeling his figure seemed to be the best option. But he beat her to it, as he hugged her in a tight position that he did, secure and comparted against his chest. She felt loved. She liked it, and that he caught up to her in a way that was him. And he  hugged her in a way that meant so much more --more than anything. And that it was just a hug.

It was a hypnotical, auburn and a slightly warm feeling riverating inside her chest, and a stream of butterflies flying across her body. She loved it.
And she loved him.

He couldn't have jeopardized her own life --her own future. And maybe it was easier - for the best that she had thought with her tiny miraculous brain and so she hugged him. She hugged him in a way that couldn't possibly let him go. So far away that she couldn't reach.

And as he hugged her the way he did, he only thought about what she thought of it. He didn't think that she would leave him, but rather, of that would she stay in hopes that he didn't eat her, or suck the soul out of her blood. He didn't want to let go. As he comparted her tiny, short figure against his, he had hoped that his marriage, and his first would take part as soon as possible.

And that as he slightly made some space, he looked down to see her eyes full of glimmer and happiness, and there was a tiny jolt as he saw that her eyes were brimming more than before, that she almost burst into tears, and that her eyes glimmered in a glaze of wet water. That he regretted that he forgot to bring a handkerchief. That she saw through her eyes, for the moment that she breathed as she stared deeply, and into his soul that she went, that she quite heard what he said.

"I need a wife."

She heard him say.

He said her name, ever so cloudily In her mind, that she thought she saw a shade of his eyes turning a ruby red. And there was all there is to it.

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