24. Conversations Had And Heard

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"Get your hands off me! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Naomi says fuming.

"You're not listening," He begins, his hand still on Naomi. He goes to continue but a deep voice cuts him off.

"Neither are you. She said, remove, your, hand!"



Moving to stand behind Naomi, Jensen watches as the man removes his arm with a visible gulp. The man fidgets nervously, switching his weight between his feet. Trying his best to act unaffected by his presence, but Jensen sees right through his act. He could smell the nervous sweat coming from the man, his heartbeat picking up as well.

"Excuse me, but this is a private conversation!" The man says with an angry huff, his eyes darting from Jensen to Naomi. Standing directly behind Naomi, Jensen glares at the man -  Resisting the urge to smile when he steps back instinctively.  "Conversation's over," He says to him, his tone leaving no room for argument. He feels Naomi lean into him, her back fully against his chest. Her posture relaxing slightly. The man watches him with his mouth agape for a few seconds before stomping away.

Jensen places a calming hand on Naomi's hip as the two of them watch him storm off. His eyes never leave the man as he makes his way to his wife - Watching him grumble a "Let's go!" to her before pulling her away. The woman glances back longingly as they leave, her eyes only falling on Naomi. Once they were out of sight, he looks down at Naomi who was smiling up at him. "When did you get here?" She asks turning to face him whilst staying in his embrace.

"A couple of minutes. I found Avery first, she said I'd find you over here on this side," Jensen explains. "Saw you talking to that man, then he put his hand on you and well...Couldn't have that." Of course, he'd heard the entire exchange as well but that was not something he could bring up. 

Being taller than her, Jensen bends his head slightly, as she smiles up at him. Their faces were close, foreheads almost touching as they stand there. He brings his hand to run it along the side of her face in a gentle caress. For a minute, he thinks about kissing her but she pulls back before he could make up his mind.

Not knowing about his inner turmoil, Naomi grabs his hand, leading the way back to her firehouse. "Not going to let them ruin my day. Come on," 

The two of them walk back to Avery and the others -  A series of introductions follow as Jensen introduces her to Dalton and she introduces them to her brother and the rest of the firehouse. 

"Oh, look! There's Calvin," Avery says as she waves to a guy, calling him to the group.

"Hey, guys!" He greets them. Although he had a big smile on his face, Jensen could tell he was extremely uneasy. 

 "Jensen! This is Calvin and Calvin this is Naomi's...special friend," Avery says out loud, introducing the two of them. He couldn't help but chuckle at her phrasing, watching as Naomi playfully smacks her friend's head whilst trying to hide her blush.

"Nice to meet you, man." The man, Calvin says to him. 

"Likewise," He responds casually.

"Hey, can we -" He hears Calvin whisper to Naomi and Avery whilst gesturing to a spot away from the group. The girls nod, Naomi turning to face him, "We'll be right back," She says to him with a smile. Nodding at her, he watches as the three of them walk to a relatively empty spot. Using his supernatural hearing, he listens to them while pretending to be preoccupied with the arm wrestling match before him.

"I feel so on edge working with the guy," He hears Calvin say to them. "I can't help but see him in the same light as the people I've questioned - You know, those involved in the explosions. He's one of them."

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