15. What's Past Is Prologue

Start from the beginning

Leading Jensen out of the house, Vincent begins to speak. "I came across this group years ago, when they sent me a file. Through that file, I found out that my wife was being recruited by a group of hunters. Long story short, I distanced myself from her and began tracking these people. Along the way, I uncovered many shocking secrets which charted the course I am on now. And, you. Mr. Carter, are a part of that course."


Sitting at a Café table, Jensen stares at his coffee deep in thought – The drink, no longer hot. Following yesterday's events, Jensen found himself checking into a nearby motel instead of returning home. There were too many things playing on his mind. Yesterday was full of new developments – New facts were coming to light, changing everything he thought he knew. 

Anger still courses through him, his mind never straying from the betrayal he uncovered. There was a lot to unpack with Vincent and everything he'd told him but the events with Clayton were the only things he could focus on.

Through Vincent, he was able to unpack more of the story, beginning with the mission he was leading that night. According to his recollection of events and written formal records, their mission was to infiltrate that camp and rescue a high-profile doctor. They were to carry out the mission and be out of the country before daybreak – It seemed simple enough. However, many things went wrong once they breached the compound.

They were ambushed by the enemy – The six of them with limited ammunitions against dozens of armed guards. He lost two men in the firefight alone. When things finally died down, Jensen and their men received the order to fall back. Before they could, several large, rabid-looking wolves broke forth the building they were set to enter. The wolves attacked them, their bullets did nothing to slow the large creatures. He lost two more members then – Limping away with his right-hand man. They tried to hide in the nearby trees but it was no use.

His partner and close friend had been ripped away from him, dragged off into the night. Jensen found himself pinned under a large wolf. This one looked to be healthier and larger than the others. It appeared stronger, more muscular with a bright, almost black fur coat. Everything about the beast was huge, its bright yellow eyes staring into his soul.

With no weapons and the rest of his team gone, Jensen accepted defeat. Closing his eye, he prayed for a swift end. But instead, felt the pain of claws seeping into his skin for a brief moment before the large wolf was tackled off him. A noticeably larger and stronger wolf was fighting with the one that was over him mere minutes ago. They snapped their jaws at each other, circling and growling. It was a sight to behold but Jensen seized the opportunity to escape.

He limped as far away as he could, passing out before he could call for help. Two days later he woke in the hospital, the only member of his team to have survived. Someone brought him into the hospital but no one had any idea who.

With Vincent and the files they uncovered, Jensen was able to fill in some of the blanks for that night. The doctor they had been sent to collect was a hunter who had been experimenting with Lycans. The wolves that attacked him and his team, he'd since realized were Lycans. The wolf that scratched him was Jackson Reynolds, Clayton's younger brother.

With all the picture evidence, Vincent speculated that Jackson was working with this hunter. No one knew what the experiments were for but Vincent was confident, with more digging he could find out – And perhaps even find the person in question.

That matter, however, wasn't Jensen's main concern. He now knew the truth - It was Jackson who scrapped him, Clayton who saved him, and together, the two brothers lied to his face. It was that little detail he could not bypass. Jensen's hand tightens around his coffee cup.

He and Jackson never got along, only interacting with each other briefly on two separate occasions. Looking back, Jensen realizes there were times when Clayton actively kept the two apart – The reason why making sense to him now.

"Ah, there you are. I've been looking all over for you," A voice rings out, pulling him from his thoughts. Jensen looks up to see a smiling Vincent taking a seat in the chair opposite him. "Have you thought about my offer?" he asks Jensen softly, looking hopeful.

"I haven't thought about it in-depth, the way you wanted me to. But the answer is no," Jensen replies - Referring to Vincent's offer to join him and his people. "There's just too many things going on right now, and I have things back home I can't leave just yet."

"Shame. A real shame," Vincent replies sadly, shaking his head in disappointment. "You would've made one hell of an addition. With your background, your strength. I was truly looking forward to having you on board." Pulling out a notepad and pen, Vincent scribbles onto it, "Here are all the ways you can reach me. Don't hesitate to call me, Carter. No matter how big or small the matter is. Even if it's a bit of a mess. I'll come n' help you out, no questions asked." He hands Jensen the paper, nodding at him with a smile on his face. 

He moves to rise from his seat but stops midway, turning to look at Jensen once more. "We mustn't cry over spilled milk. We can't change the past, but  we can learn from it - Use it as our prologue." With that, he gets up from his chair,  "We'll be in touch, Mr. Carter. Stay safe, watch your back out there."



The two women stand on opposite sides of the room, watching each other intently. "I see the poison is out of your system," Vanessa comments, getting a growl in return from Yara.

Ignoring her, Vanessa continues to speak. "Listen, the full moon is tomorrow - That's when we make our move. Marshall is organizing everything and spreading the word. He doesn't expect you to take part but he's hoping you will – I'm hoping you will too."

"You have got to be kidding me! You think I'm going to join you and those lunatics?!" Yara shouts at her. "You drug and kidnap me. And now you think I am going to help you turn hunters into Lycans?"

"Is there no pleasing you?!" Vanessa says in an exasperated tone. "Listen, Clayton texted earlier, he was on his way back. As far as he knows we've been hanging out and you left your phone at the restaurant."

"Oh, really. Why didn't you tell him you have me tied up because he and I sabotaged the revolution, hmm?" Yara says to her sarcastically.

"Listen, Yara. You need to get over yourself! This is bigger than you and me. This revolution is going to change everything! We are going to make history. You can either get with the program - Be a part of something great or get out of the way. Your choice!"

"All my choices end with my claws buried in your throat," Yara says to her, eyes turning yellow. "You better watch your back, Vanessa."

"I talked with Marshall, we're letting you go tomorrow, Yara. I know you're not dumb enough to try anything here. You're outnumbered and you wouldn't stand a chance. So, use this time to think things over. You can still make the right decision. We are right for doing this! The evidence is in the past!" Vanessa says to her.

"Weren't you the one who always said "The past is in the past" and how we can't let it define us?!" Yara argues.

"Yeah, well. What's past is prologue now." Vanessa replies. 

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