13. Repercussions

Start from the beginning

The older man, Mr. Valentin had explained that the Lycans had been hacking into each tablet or phone they got from a hunter. By the time the organization realized which devices were compromised, they were already in the system. That was how they were able to locate hunters and find out about their missions.

"Hey, Straken," Joe calls out to him, pulling him out of his thoughts. "There's some guy outside to see you."

Rising from his seat, Dean makes his way outside – Silently cursing when he sees the person asking for him was Elmann. With a sigh, Dean walks toward him, noting his angry expression, already knowing what this was going to be about. "You looking for me Mr. Berlin?" Dean says once he reaches him.

"Don't play games with me, detective!" Elmann says angrily through clenched teeth. "Who the hell do you think you are? Going above me and calling in the Valentin family! How the hell did you even get into contact with them?"

"They came to help Arrow-" Dean begins but gets interrupted by a pissed Elmann.

"I TOLD YOU I HAD IT UNDER CONTROL!" He shouts angrily before realizing he had to lower his volume. "You came to me and I told you I was working on it. I am in charge now and what I say goes. How dare you undermine my authority?"

"With all due respect, sir. I didn't believe you had it under control," Dean says calmly to the fuming man. "I assessed the situation and deemed it was necessary to call in backup. I am sorry you felt undermined by this, but it was in Arrow's best interest."

"You think you're part of this world," Elmann says tauntingly. "You think because you know about the Lycans you know about our world, hmm! Well, let me tell you something, detective. You don't! You are just a legal secretary. There to clean up messes and put lies on police paperwork. You are not one of us. You have no rank among us. Your shiny little badge means nothing in our world! So next time, know your place! Don't you dare think you can go over my head like that again! I am in charge here! You are below me! I don't care if you like how I run things or not – You are not important in the grand scheme of things! Do you hear me? Do you understand me?"

"I hear you, Mr. Berlin, I hear you. But, do you want to know exactly what I just heard?" Dean replies to him in a bored tone, infuriating him more. "I heard the cry of a power-hungry man who wants so badly to be in charge - But now he feels threatened by the arrival of a more competent bunch, because he knows he isn't all that he makes himself out to be," Dean says to him, turning to walk away.

Elmann grabs his arm before he could take a step from him, "I can end you boy! I will end you! Don't you cross me," Elmann says trembling with anger, his forehead vein bulging.

"Are you assaulting an officer, Elmann? In front of a precinct?" Dean asks him with a raised brow.

Elmann huffs angrily, releasing his arm and storming away. Dean watches him as he gets into a black SUV, speeding away.

He was right to call in help, there was no doubt in his mind about that. From what the guy, Beau, had said – Elmann and his crew arrived too late. Arrow would've been dead by then.

He didn't regret his decision one bit.

With a sigh, he heads back inside the precinct. He was going to have to keep an eye out on Elmann. He bruised the old man's ego – There would be repercussions for that. Part of him wondered if Elmaan would try to come for his job, and get him fired. At this point, he wouldn't put anything past him.



The confusion subsides quite quickly, but the grogginess and intense headache remain as Yara comes into consciousness. She could still feel the effects of the poison coursing through her body, burning in her veins. Her arms bound behind her, the rope tied so tight she could feel it cutting into her skin. Her feet were free but she was unable to move them in the slightest. The cloth of the makeshift blindfold over her eyes burned slightly – Most likely coated with some type of poison as well.

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