5. Call For Backup

Start from the beginning

Jensen looks away with a sigh as Yara continues her rant. "Things are getting worse out there Jensen. The hunters are getting bolder and they're picking us off one by one. They do not care if you've been turned against your will nor do they care that you are searching for a way to get rid of your wolf! They only care about one thing! And that's ridding the world of our kind! That is their mission and that will never change! If they won't spare a teenager, do you think they'll spare you? You were special ops, Jensen, act like you still have a tactical brain in that head of yours." Yara finishes the rant with a growl, walking away from the bed, and pacing the room. She runs a hand through her short wavy hair, trying to calm down.

Taking a breath, she turns to Jensen once more, "Look, I know you were dragged into our world and it's not something you ever thought possible - much less wanted. But you're in it now, and like it or not, that means you have a target on your back. You have to be more careful and you can't be going about these information-seeking missions on your own! Ask us to help you. Take Clayton along with you. Call for backup for goodness sake! Now is not the time to be reckless. Francis and her husband are dead, Nick probably is as well. Jensen, I've lost enough people, I need you to not put me in these types of positions."

Jensen goes to respond but Clayton beats him to the chase. "Jensen, the man who did this - the accident, what does he look like?"

"Pale skin, jet black hair, and a scar on his cheek. His scent - he smelt like tabaco and rust almost."

"Did he have a prosthetic leg?" Clayton inquires further.

"Yeah, he did. How do you know this? - He's here isn't he?" Jensen asks, rising slightly off the bed, sniffing the air. The strong scents of medicine and cleaning chemicals bombard his senses first. He tries to sniff past the scents but he wasn't able to, the drugs in his system still interfering with his capabilities.

"Yeah, he's here," Clayton replies. "Passed by three times while you guys were talking."

"Dammit!" Jensen growls, passing a hand across his face.

"Persistent bastard!" Yara growls clenching her fist.

"What do we do?"


"Yeah, he's fine. I'm leaving the hospital now - No, he left already. Yeah, I'm heading home," Yara says loudly into her cell as she walks out of Jensen's room passing the hunter who'd been watching them.

Heading to the elevator, she continues with her fake conversation, feigning cluelessness. As she walks, she purposely trips over her own feet, crying out. Just as the doors to the elevator were about to shut, the man runs in, greeting her politely.

Behind his back, Yara smirks - sometimes they were too cocky for their own good.


The elevator stops on parking level three, Yara walking off, animatedly texting away on her phone. Thinking he had caught a female Lycan off guard, the man retrieves his knife from his belt holster. The man waits a minute before exiting as well, walking behind her. He scans the garage, looking for people and the location of security cameras. Seeing that the coast is clear, he seizes his chance - running forth and grabbing Yara by her arm, a snarky smirk on his face.

As soon as his arm wraps around hers, Yara spins around grabbing him by the wrist. Using her supernatural strength, she twists it completely, the man screaming out in pain. Extending her claws, she grabs him by his neck, slamming his body to the ground. The man gasps, the wind escaping him as he hit the ground.

"Clay," Yara calls out over her shoulder. Clayton appears from behind a corner, speed walking to them. Crouching down on a knee, he forcefully shoves a cloth into the man's face - Completely covering his nose and mouth.

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