Chapter 14. Ya lyublyu tebya.

Start from the beginning

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go with you. Do you have any business to attend to supposedly?"

I have decided to make the most out of my time with Alexei. It would be unfair for him if I'm going to punish him for Nikolai's doing. I will deal with Nikolai later. Meantime, Alexei and I deserve our own time.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

"Yes Alexei. I'm all yours today."

I sat on his lap and kisses him on his lips. His beautiful hazel eyes are looking at me intently. I then touch his lips with my index finger and planted a small bite on his lower lip.

Alexei resumed his cancelled lunch meeting today. We are now on our way to a small town somewhere. I'm on Alexei's lap. I wrap my right arm around his neck while he is kissing my face and neck.

All of a sudden, I feel like my insides are turning.

"Pull over please." I said while holding my mouth.

Vasily did not pull over, he waited for Alexei's signal first.

I cant hold it any longer so I quickly rolled down the car window and threw up while the car is still moving.

"Shit. Stop the car!" Said Alexei.

I'm still throwing up and holding my stomach. Alexei is collecting my hair together and holds my forehead with his other hand. While I'm catching my breath I can feel that I am having cold sweat.

When I feel like I have vomited everything inside my stomach I went back sitting beside Alexei while still tryng to catch my breath.

"Let's go back now!" Said Alexei all worried.

"No, we are almost there arent we? I'm okay. I just need some water Alexei."

"No we are going back."

"Alexei please I need this. I want to breathe some fresh air."

Alexei lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, but promise me that you will tell me if youre not feeling well."

"Yes I will. I promise."

"What have you eaten lately?"

"Just the usual, nothing new that would upset my stomach. I'm okay Alexei. Really."

We went by a convenient store to buy some water and food. Alexei's men are fetching them for us. Alexei is outside the car talking on the phone and I think I know who he is talking to.

Ivan and Vasily are in the front seats not saying a single word.

"Vasily can you tell Alexei's men to get me chocolates with almonds and chips, preferably the salty one?"

Vasily just cleared his throat and exited the car.

Geez what is up with Vasily?


I'm on Alexei's lap munching on the chocolates and potato chips. I would feed him from time to time and he would just let out a smirk. After several minutes we arrived at a house painted in white with a front porch. It looks pretty rustic. It has a long rough driveway. The tall golden yellow grass outside the fence are swaying as the wind blows. There are a couple of cars parked outside. There are at least four men with guns slinged on their sides and backs standing outside the door of the house. Alexei slinged his gun on his back as he prepares to get out of the car.

"Princess, you stay here."

"But Alexei, I want to come with."


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