"Chapter 28: The Ring"

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During their flight back home, Mr. Armageddon told everyone, "Jesus, those were the longest damn hours of my life, and all of this is happening before my birthday." Ms. Armageddon replied, "Don't worry Hayato, we still have a couple of hours before Leonardo goes to that deal so for now let's just all get home, relax and when it's time, we'll go." 

Mr. Armageddon then looked and saw the city overhead and said, "Actually, you know what, I gotta get something very quick, I'll see you at the house." 

Lady Maja then asked, "Wait, where are you going?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "It's guy stuff, you don't wanna know." 

He then flew down to Central City, but Lady Maja flew after him and said, "Wait, Hayato!" 

Mr. Armageddon then landed at the Central City Mall and turned invisible before walking in, and then Lady Maja landed also and went inside to look for him. 

Mr. Armageddon then ran to a Jewelry Store on the second floor of the mall, turned visible, and walked inside and everyone was looking at him and murmuring and he approached the register and the clerk looked behind her and was starstruck by Mr. Armageddon's presence, and she said, "Mr. Armageddon! How wonderful to see you! So, what are you gonna buy?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "I'd like to buy a wedding ring please." 

The Clerk said, "Why yes, of course! Who's the lucky girl?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "I don't really wanna get into it, but it's Lady Maja of Glasgow." 

The Clerk then said, "Well, we have the best for you and her." 

She then unlocked a drawer and took out a bunch of rings and bands and said, "These are our most expensive rings and bands, the only other place in the city that sells these is in North Woodridge." 

Mr. Armageddon then looked and picked a wedding band with many small diamonds encrusted into it and The Clerk said, "This wedding band is made with real eighteen karat gold and is worth about one million dollars but for you, just name your price." Mr. Armageddon answered, "Twenty thousand dollars for my band and another twenty thousand for my Lady Maja's ring." 

He then picked another gold ring with a big diamond on top and two little diamonds next to it, and The Clerk said, "Sold!" 

He then took out four stacks of cash to The Clerk and she then put both rings in a box and handed it to him and he left the store but then he saw Lady Maja coming up the stairs and he quickly hid the box in his pocket and ran over to her, hugged her, and spinned around before kissing her passionately and she asked, "Mmf, what are you doing Armageddon-kun? Not here!" Mr. Armageddon then answered, "N-no time to explain, let's go home!" 

He then pulled Lady Maja's arm and left the mall, and they both flew back home together.

The Armageddon Squad AllianceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz