"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"

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Mr. Armageddon then asked Lily, "So what did he say?" Lily answered, "He said that a couple members of the Kaisers mentioned that the hideout was in a place called Fort Dylan." 

La Nina Flora then asked, "And where might it be?" 

Lily said, "Well Fort Dylan used to be a tourist attraction before it fell into disrepair and was abandoned and taken off of the map but there's a trail out by Clarke Road that leads to it." 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Well, let's go then." 

They all went to Clarke Road on the outskirts of Rockford and there they found the blocked off trail that led to Fort Dylan and Lily and Jamal parked the car outside of the gate. 

Lily and Jamal then started giving each member of the Armageddon Squad their guns, La Nina Flora got her AN-94, Ms. Armageddon got her MP5A3, Connor got his AK-47, Creole Cheetah got her M4 Carbine, Rasta Lion got his M16, El Capitan got his M249 SAW, Lady Maja was given an M60, and Mr. Armageddon's M1A was replaced with a black FN FAL. 

They then jumped over the fence and Mr. Armageddon said, "Look alive folks, we're deep in enemy territory so be on the lookout for any traps or snipers on this trail." 

Everyone nodded and they began walking down the trail. 

During the trek, Lily said, "When we get there and they fucking raped her, I'm gonna personally rip and tear every single one of those Kaisers' nutsacks off." 

Lady Maja then said, "I'll help you with that." and Ms. Armageddon said, "I'll help you too." 

Creole Cheetah then said, "Besides, you need to relax Lily, I don't think they've done anything to her yet." and Connor said, "So save your anger until we get there." 

Lily then said, "Well you don't know that, since we don't know where they're keeping her or how she's doing. For all we know, My Sister's being held in a goddamn dungeon, in that Fort, being held down to the ground or pinned against the wall while a bunch of rednecks fuck her mercilessly and her boyfriend is being forced to watch and not be able to do anything about it. I am not gonna sit by and let that happen to the very woman that's been teaching me everything she's known since before I could walk." 

Lady Maja then said, "As one of your best friends Lily, I understand how you're feeling right now but I can assure you that we'll save Lucy and Jordan before anything happens to them." 

Jamal then said, "I feel like we been walking for hours, bruh."

Rasta Lion then said, "You tired already? We've only been walking for like a mile at least mon." 

 Jamal then asked, "Nigga, why do always gotta talk like that EVERY TIME you wearing that costume?" Rasta Lion answered, "It's part of my persona, plus I'm half Jamaican." 

They soon got close to the Fort and then they hid in the shadows of the trees and Mr. Armageddon said, "Earpieces on." 

Everyone put on their earpieces and microphones and Mr. Armageddon got out some binoculars and flew up to the top of the trees but still stayed in the shadows and saw the entirety of Fort Dylan and Lily asked, "Ok Hayato, you see anything?" 

Mr. Armageddon looked through the binoculars and said, "Ok well I see some Gallows in the middle of the area and some Kaisers tying a noose so I think they might be getting ready to lynch either Jordan or Lucy or both of them." 

He then looked and saw two structures with two guards outside each one and he said, "I think I found where they might be held but I don't know which one." 

April then said, "Mr. Armageddon, I am detecting Lucy's phone from the first guarded structure to the left, she's down to five percent battery." 

Hayato then said, "Alright! I guess we found her!" 

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