"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"

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Thousands of miles away from the city of Rockford, it was early morning in Glasgow, Scotland and Maja had woken up on the couch in her childhood home, a small cottage on the countryside outskirts of the city and she looked and saw her father Angus sitting on a chair, watching TV, Angus was a tall burly middle-aged Scotsman with long black graying hair and a long graying beard and he saw Maja and said, "Bore da, Maja." 

Maja sighed and said, "Bore da, Dad." 

He then said, "I still don't know why you insisted on sleeping on the couch when you have a perfectly sturdy bed in your room." Maja replied, "Probably because that bed is from when I was twelve." 

Angus then said, "Once I get a job, I'll think about finding a new bed for you but right now, money is scarce and I was only able to get a couple hundred pounds from the cash I had on me, so until I can find a good paying job, we can only use this money to buy food but not fast food or any kind of restaurant food, just food from the supermarket." 

Maja then got up and said, "Ok, then give me the money so I can go get us breakfast." 

Angus got up and said, "No! You can't go out there! I already lost your mother, I'm not gonna lose you." Maja replied, "Dad, I already told you, Mom didn't really divorce you, Milena used her mind control powers to make you guys divorce plus we're not gonna live here, we just need enough money to purchase some hiking and camping gear so we can climb Ben Nevis and figure out how to find Maja Thrudsdottir's axes and helmet." 

Angus then said, "Maja, I am glad that you are interested and embracing your Scottish side, but those axes aren't real, the whole story of Maja Thrudsdottir was just a wee exaggeration of a brilliant tale told by our ancestors, everything in that story was true about Maja Thrudsdottir except the part of her being an immortal demigoddess and her turning into a statue. The statue was built after she had died. Besides, even if it was real, you'd be wasting your time looking for them." 

Maja then asked, "And why do you say that?" He then answered, "Because I tried looking for them. Before I met Heather, I had heard the story and I wanted to see if it was true for meself, so I climbed Ben Nevis and found the statue but I didn't know where to look and then I heard a whisper in the air and it told me, 'You're not worthy, turn around while you still can...Angus.' so apparently, I have to be worthy in order to find it." 

Maja then asked, "So how does one be worthy?" Angus replied, "A woman has to be worthy, but that woman has to have the spirit of a true warrior and know the meaning of love, but she has to know it the way only Maja Thrudsdottir knew." 

Maja then wondered if she might be worthy then Angus said, "Well, I better go get us some stuff for breakfast." 

Maja then said, "But Dad, I have to go with you so I can protect you." 

Angus then said, "Look, I know you want to protect your father, but just let me go alone, just this once and then after I come back, you can protect me from there on out." 

He then put on his coat and went out the front door while Maja still stood there and then Angus got into his car and drove off. 

Maja then started exploring the house and she went into her room to look around and she saw a lot of her stuff from when she was younger, on the walls, there was an old Led Zeppelin poster and posters of the first animes that she had ever watched; One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and Pokémon Indigo League but when she saw the One Piece poster, she started remembering Hayato and the good times they had together but then suddenly she saw his face on Luffy's and she said, "H-hayato? Is that you?" Luffy Hayato replied, "Of course it's me." 

Maja then got happy and said, "Oh, I missed you so much." 

Luffy Hayato then said, "You don't miss me." 

The Armageddon Squad Allianceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें