"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"

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Meanwhile, back in Rockford, Hayato, Kohane, and Carlos were crouched down by a wall outside the back entrance to the casino. 

Hayato and Kohane were wearing their regular clothes as Lucy was back in Little Tokyo upgrading their costumes and was making costumes for Carlos, Alejandra, and Connor. 

Hayato whispered, "Ok, it should be about the time that they open the vault and from what April told us, there are ten security guards working right now and there's most likely some Mafiosos in there. These tranquilizers are enough to knock them out for at least until the time before Leonardo gets here. You each have ten darts and your gun only fires two so reload fast and shoot fast." 

Kohane and Carlos nodded, then Hayato said, "Oh and one more thing, you shoot them exactly in the neck or else it won't work effectively." 

They then peaked over the wall and Hayato said, "Once the first guard is down, we all have to turn invisible, steal his card, open the door, then I have April disable the system, then Kohane will rush over to the security room, take out the guards in there, and then Me and Carlos will start tranquilizing the people downstairs while you get rid of the ones near the security room and upstairs and downstairs in case one of us is out of ammo." 

Kohane and Carlos both nodded and Hayato shot the first tranquilizer into the Security Guard's neck, and they all turned invisible and jumped the wall and Hayato quickly grabbed the card and swiped it and the door swung open and they went inside. 

Hayato then said to April, "Alright April, turn off the security system." 

In the security room, April had all of the screens turn off and cut the power to the whole system and the security guards in there tried to get out, but Kohane was already there, and she shot them both in the neck with the tranquilizers. 

Meanwhile, Hayato and Carlos had tranquilized most of the guards downstairs while Kohane tranquilized the ones upstairs and the rest downstairs and they all met up at Leonardo's office door and Hayato said, "Ok, since April disabled the system, this door should be unlocked." 

Hayato then opened the door and inside was a red room with a pretty tropical floral mural, a big desk, a liquor cabinet, and a big painting of Mona Lisa behind the desk. 

Hayato said, "Man, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure really ruined this piece of art for me, I can't look at this thing without thinking about the fact that Yoshikage Kira got a boner from looking at her hands. She doesn't even look that hot, even by the Renaissance Era's standards." 

Kohane then said, "Yet this bitch is in like every Italian man's wet dream. Leonardo has probably jacked off to her dozens of times most likely, since that's all you can do in this boring ass office." 

Hayato then chuckled and said, "You either get drunk and jack off or get jacked off or get sucked off under the desk or fuck your Secretary Mistress on top of the desk." 

They all laughed before Hayato looked at Carlos and said, "Ok, you go get one of those fake money pallets and bring it up here, Me and Kohane will open up the safe." 

Carlos nodded and ran downstairs while Kohane and Hayato looked around the room for the switch that opened the painting. 

While they were searching, April said, "Hayato, your mother is calling you." 

Hayato was confused and answered, "What is it, Mom? Are You and Dad ok?" 

Hanako said, "We're fine Hayato, I'm just calling to tell you that Maja called earlier." 

Hayato had the happiest grin and asked, "What did she say? Is she coming back?!" Hanako replied, "She's not, Hayato." 

Hayato's grin quickly faded away and said, "S-she's not?" 

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