"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"

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Everyone was in complete confusion and Natasha asked, "What...just happened?" 

Hayato then said, "Allow me to explain. I have the power to clone myself and what you saw and were talking to, was a clone of me, except they are called Shadow Clones." and Sam said, "So you really are Mr. Armageddon." and Hayato replied, "Yes I am." 

Hayato then called out to Kohane and said, "Kohane! Put your costume on but don't put your mask on and come downstairs!" 

Kohane shouted back, "Why do you want me to do that?" and Hayato answered, "Just trust me on this!" and Kohane said, "Ok!" 

Kohane and Alejandra then came down in their costumes without their masks and when they saw The Avengers, they screamed in excitement and Kohane immediately ran over and shook Natasha's hand fast and she said quickly, "Oh my god Black Widow, I'm such a huge fan of you, you're so sexy and I love you and it was nice meeting you, my name is Ms. Armageddon but you can call me Kohane. Bye!" 

Natasha was flustered and creeped out by Kohane's greeting and Kohane quickly hid behind Hayato and covered her face in shame and embarrassment while Alejandra was looking around the group and asked, "Where's Scarlet? I wanna touch her too!" 

Sam then said, "Jesus, is this how you greet people?" 

Hayato then said, "Excuse Ms. Armageddon's and La Nina Flora's behaviors, they've just never seen celebrities like you up close. Plus, they're both lesbians so I'm sure you guys would understand that they would obviously have major crushes on both of your only female members but don't worry, they'll calm down soon." 

Kohane and Alejandra then calmed down and Kohane said, "I'm sorry for my strange greeting Miss Romanoff." Natasha replied, "It's fine, it's definitely not the weirdest greeting I've ever gotten from my fans, especially the more sexually confused ones. On another note, how did you know my name?" 

Kohane said, "Because I believe that your patriot friend here was the one that leaked all of Hydra's files on the internet, including all of SHIELD's files and that was like years ago so obviously everyone in this country, continent, and maybe the whole world, knows who you people are." 

Alejandra then started pointing each Avenger out and saying, "You're Natasha Romanoff, you're Steve Rogers, you're Tony Stark; which is completely obvious since everyone knows you; you're Sam Wilson, War Machine is James Rhodes, Scarlet Witch is Wanda Maximoff, Hawkeye is Clint Barton, Hulk is Dr. Bruce Banner, and Thor is Thor Odinson." 

Tony then said, "Alright enough of this, we came here because we wanted to talk to you and your friends." Hayato then replied, "Oh ok, well I'll give my friends a call and we'll meet up at our hideout." 

Steve then asked, "Where is your hideout?" 

Hayato then said, "Well actually we have two hideouts except technically one of them isn't a hideout since none of us go there that often, just only to pick up gadgets for us, but the other place is our actual hideout. First hideout is here in Little Tokyo and the second one is down in South Woodridge." 

Sam Wilson then said, "We'll go to the one here in Little Tokyo." 

Hayato then said, "Alright." 

Hayato then texted Diondre, Carlos, Mirlande, and Connor in a group chat and said, "Urgent meeting at Lily & Lucy's place! Put on costumes and get here quickly!!!" 

Hayato then sent the text and then said, "Let's go, I'm driving." 

They then went outside, and Tony said, "Actually, we came in our own car, so we'll just use that." and Sam asked, "Are we even gonna able to fit in your car Mr. Suzuki?" Hayato then answered, "Of course! My parent's SUV can fit all seven of us, six if one of you wishes to ride in the trunk instead of riding up front with me." 

The Armageddon Squad Allianceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें