"Chapter 25: Help Connor"

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Back at Hayato's house, Hayato and Maja were in his room playing Super Smash Bros. on Hayato's Wii U with Fergus laying on the floor and Hayato said, "I'm about to end this Maja, you're in big trouble!" Maja replied, "The only reason I'm losing is because you keep spamming the boomerang!" 

Hayato then said, "Oh yeah? Well, you're the one who keeps spamming Jumping Fish or whatever that move is called!" 

Hayato's character then threw one more Boomerang, but Maja's character also did a Jumping Fish and both characters ended up knocking each other out and Maja said, "Oh good! It's a Draw!" 

The Game Voice then shouted, "SUDDEN DEATH!" 

Maja was confused and then the match started but the screen was closing in on their characters and Hayato had his character hit Maja's once and she went flying off the stage and The Game Voice shouted, "TOON LINK WINS!" and Hayato cheered and said, "And the King retains his throne!" Maja replied, "Yeah, yeah 'King', give me the bucket." 

Hayato then handed Maja a bucket of KFC and gave Fergus a breast piece and she started eating a leg and said, "Mm, this Extra Crispy stuff is delicious." 

She then looked at Fergus and said in the baby voice, "Do you like it too Fergus? Oh yes you do!" and she hugged him and Kohane then came into the room and said, "Alright you two, it's Mine and Alejandra's turn with the bucket." 

Hayato was confused and said, "Why? I got You and Her a chicken tender meal." and Kohane replied, "Yes but we already finished that, and Mom says that bucket is way too much for just you two." 

Hayato then said, "Alright fine but I hope you're good with eating only thighs because Me, Maja, and Fergus already ate all the legs and breast pieces." Kohane replied, "Thank you." and left the room. 

Hayato's phone then rang, and he saw that it was Connor, so he answered and said, "Hello?" and Connor said, "Hey Hayato, I'm just calling to tell you that I'm ready to return Xeno Blade and Legend of Zelda." Hayato replied, "Oh ok sure, come on over when you're ready." 

Connor then said, "Actually about that..." 

A faint panting could be heard in the background, and he said, "I was wondering if you could come over here and bring it because I'm kinda busy right now." 

Hayato then said, "Alright fine, I'll be over in a couple dozen minutes." Connor replied, "Ok that's perfect, see you then." and Hayato heard a faint moan before Connor quickly hung up his phone. 

Maja then said, "Sounds like Connor's having a good time over there." 

Hayato then said, "Well I could already tell that He and Mirlande were having sex, but I guess I might as well go over there since Xeno Blade and Twilight Princess cost almost forty bucks apiece and before you say something, I got them back in March." 

Maja then asked, "Oh and while you're there, could you get my Metallica CD back too? I loaned it to Connor before I left for Scotland." Hayato answered, "Alright, I'll get that too, call me if Lily or Lucy get the info on that deal between Ulysses Klaue and Leonardo Marchetti." 

Maja gave a thumbs up and Hayato left the room, but Fergus followed him and whined, and Maja said, "Aww, he doesn't want his daddy to go without him." 

Maja then beckoned Fergus towards her, and he did but was still whining but Maja hugged him and petted him and said, "It's ok, Mama's here. Daddy will come right back." 

Fergus' whining subdued and he was very calm, but Hayato then said, "You know what? How about we all go there as a family?" 

Fergus then got excited, and Maja said, "Ok Fergus, I'll go with you." 

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