07| The emotional fool

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"Son, I've been prolonging this discussion for the longest I can, but I'm afraid the time has come," My father spoke in a low, formal tone

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"Son, I've been prolonging this discussion for the longest I can, but I'm afraid the time has come," My father spoke in a low, formal tone. I sighed, loosening my tie and began to pour myself a glass of whiskey, feeling completely drained and exhausted.

"What is it this time, father?" I murmured in Italian through the phone, pissed off.

Because, I woke up to an empty bed this morning.

Precious had woken up, showered and wrote me a pretty note which I had not read yet, and left, all the while I slept like a newborn baby. I blame her for my deep slumber. What can I say? 

Her mere presence calmed me down entirely. 

Again, I shouldn't be surprised that the brown doe-eyed angel left me a note and just dashed off.

She didn't linger longer, like I had secretly hoped for her to. 

She didn't cling upon me in the morning like most attempt to do. 

For the first time, I was disappointed that someone I fucked . . . actually left. 

I missed her presence yet I didn't even know her name or who she was. 

She's smart and unlike me she didn't let her emotions control her actions and choices, she's not impulsive. She simply closed our encounter like a chapter of her life. However, I was pissed off, I didn't want to be just a single fucking chapter of her life. 

The idea of never seeing her ever again, it didn't sit well with me. It made me anxious. It made me want to ruin the world because I can't have her to myself. I could call my private investigator for details and information of who she exactly is, but I decided to act upon it later. 

"- Nikolai, are you even listening to me? This is important." My father spoke grumpily. I hummed, swirling the whiskey before taking a sip. I tried to listen to what my old man was saying, while examining myself in the mirror. 

Fresh bruises on my right cheek and lips, and a black eye, the sclera around my green irises now bloodshot. Fucking great. That's what you get for competing in a death match when you already have a distorted vision and a blurry mind. However I badly needed an outlet, so the pain was worth it, I'm completely drained now. 

"- so, I'd like for you to meet someone extremely important." I didn't like where this was going. This better not be what I fucking think it is. 

"Father, watch where you are going with this-"

"An alliance, son. A marriage of convenience that you have no other choice but to indulge in." 

I halted my moments. 

My hand tightening, around the bottle of whiskey. 

One would think my father would take my silence as a hint to shut the fuck up, but no, the old man proceeds, knowing I'm uncomfortable. 

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