"Promise me you will tell him and I will wait for you till you feel ready to do that... For now, just stop listening to whoever is making you do things and get yourself out of this mess...No matter how he reacts, I promise you, I will support you." He gave her his word in hopes of reassuring her and encouraging her to overcome her fear and do the right thing and she looked at him for a while, before she left her gaze fall on the floor, and nodded her head in agreement.

"...and if he hates me-"

"You will make him love you anew"

"...and if he gets mad-"

"He can't stay mad forever."

"...he will be hurt-"

"You love him. You truly love him. What's there to be hurt about?" 

Skillfully Jimin kept responding to every worry she uttered, a soft smile on his lips as he had found himself for the first time in his life, being on the opposite side with her. For all these years as his psychologist, she had always been the one, shutting down his worries, just like he was at that very moment. 

"You can do it. He loves you too from what I have noticed. Trust in him. He isn't someone to judge you wrong." You added, feeling the need to give your hand on support and Jiya gave you a hopeful look before she smiled, looking slightly more relieved.

"You are right...I let my negativity take me down, I ...made one more mistake...I am really sorry Jimin, I hope one day we can fix this...I hope one day you can trust me again like before but for now...I will do as much as I can." She uttered, then proceeded to look in her bag for something while you, Jimin and DongMin just glanced at each other, confused slightly about what was that she was searching for in her bag.

"Here. I have tried to track the email they contacted me with no success but I had them give me a phone call once. It was obviously with a secluded number but I have a client that works for the police and had requested his help prior. In this USB, you will find the location that the phone call came from." She reached out to Jimin the small black USB and he took him in his hold while she was explaining.

"I know it's not much but that is all I could get. The house is a villa. Under the name of Ho DuHo." She added and you looked down, slightly annoyed over the fact that this guy seemed to be wiggling his tail everywhere.

"Thank you Jiya. I will take care of it from now on." Jimin reassured her and she slightly nodded her head, before she turned around and walked to her car and took off, leaving you three alone.

"Why would Mr DuHo be trying to ruin you? What motive could he have?... Could Jungkook perhaps-"

"No, It definitely isn't Jungkook who is ordering him. I don't think he is that obsessed after being the number one." You cut off DongMin's words, speaking truthfully your opinion, for as much as you had interacted with Jungkook, he seemed to care more about his peace and his personal business to remain as such than to keep his career intact. He had literally asked you to make a scandal for him just so he could get rid of his Ceo's daughter for god's sake. Who that cares about their career would go to such extremes?

"That's because whoever it is that's doing this, isn't aiming at truly hurting me...they are too messy, they come off as some amateurs, yet they manage to get their tentacles to spread even to the people closest to me...and what's the most interesting thing of all...they have information. They are capable of finding dirt on anyone." Jimin uttered his observation out loud, a sense of satisfaction in his voice as if he was pleased that whoever was after him, was far from incompetent.

All they were, were people that were trying to appear as such, just so he could have his guard down or his attention derived somewhere else.

"That sounds worrisome but if they are as capable then why haven't they found any huge dirt on you themselves yet so  they could be done with you once and for all?" You couldn't help but blur out your thoughts and Jimin left his right arm fall over your shoulders as he lightly laughed.

"My, my Y/N. Why would they do that? Isn't it obvious? They don't want to ruin me. They want me to ruin my own self." He stated and those words of his even though he looked so joyful uttering them, they made you get filled with worry.

For if that assumption of his was true, then whoever that someone was, it meant that they were aware that no one could ruin him better than his own self. They were aware that he was capable of bringing his greater fall and they were eagerly pushing him and awaiting that moment. 

They know, they know about his personality disorder but none but Jin knew till you too found out according to Jimin and he would never let him break in that awful way. But if it's not him, then that means...

There's..someone else that knows...there exists one more soul that knows his biggest secret?

"They want me to react. They are playing with me. They are provoking me. Using the people closest to me to mess up my emotions and isolate me. They want to get a big reaction out of me...or better said...they want to get someone out of me."

---To be continued...

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