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You were making a tiktok with the cheer sound everyone was doing

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You were making a tiktok with the cheer sound everyone was doing. Both you and Kalani were doing it while lip syncing it.

Suna sat back holding his phone sideways smiling. Assuming he was recording?

Me Kalani finished the tiktok, it starts to replay. "Out of all of those songs, that's the one that's famous". Kalani grabs my phone.

"It's so addicting!" Osamu's screeches. "It's like, WAHH and WOO". Atsumu tries to express with sounds. "Yeah". I smiled at him.

It was after school, our pratice wasn't until later, and the boys pratice early this morning. No saying Kita will pull the leader card and changing it to later today.

You and Kalani look around at the room landing your eyes on Akagi.

"What? What are you guys looking at me for?" Akagi clenches his volleyball. "Come here". Me and Kalani walk over to him.

"NO, YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T!" He yelled throughout the gym.

5 mins later

"Okay.. hold it!" I yell waking back. Me and Kalani did what we always wanted to do.

Put the boys in the stunt. Osamu and Atsumu held sunas foot, while Akagi sat on his shoulders.

"PURRRFECT". Kalani rolls her tongue taking multiple pictures. "Osamu your not holding it right!" Atsumu spat at him. "Says you! Your holding sunas ankle!" Osamu spat back.

The two rumble back and forth before attacking each other. "Wait! Guys!" I yell running to them. The stunt falls harshly on the floor.

"ow". Suna holds his head. Akagi landed on Suna so he felt nothing.

"Rin! Are you okay?" I ran to Suna. His hands rested on his head. My hand picked his head up to look at me. "WHY DID I AGREE TO LET YOU DO THIS". He whines.

"Because you love me". You kiss his forehead. He huffs looking away. "On real stuff though, are you okay?" My hand rubs the back of his head.

"Yeah, i've hit my head on harder things". He sat up on the floor. "Y/n it's time for us to leave". Kalani checks her phone. "Okay,". I coo before turning to Suna.

"When are you doing another competition?" He sat hugging my head. "This weekend". You said. "Alrighty y/n..". Kalani held me back.

"I WONT LET YOU GO". Suna held on to me. "ME EITHER". I hugged him back tightly. Osamu pulled on Suna as we disconnected. "WHYY". I whine getting pulled away.

"Y/NNN!" He fake whines as we both get dragged away. "You and Suna are so dramatic". Kalani scoffed picking me up on my feet.

"Durhhh". You smile at Kalani.

The two girls change into there cheer attire walking into the gym. "When did they have cameras?" I point at the huge video cameras.

Kalani parts her mouth slightly. "Today... it wasn't here yesterday...". She walked slowly by them before speeding up.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐑. 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀 ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang