Wrapping my arms around her waist I pull her body closer as I kiss her back.

Then she stops kissing me and pulls away a little.

"Now I've got your attention," she says a little out of breath, "I was going to go on to say that I don't think that anymore because you're right if you wanted to be with someone else then you wouldn't be with me, and plus I figured we've been together more or less every since we got with each other so when would you really have the chance to go fuck the brains out of some tarty whore," she scoffs, "anyway let's not talk about what happened this morning because this is the first night I've slept at yours and it's suppose to be a happy and joyful time and talking about this mornings event is not my idea of happy and joyful, so let's talk about happy and joyful things," she smiles.

"You're so cute you know?" I chuckle.

"I know this already," she giggles.

"Right, I've been debating on asking you what I'm about to ask you but that's because I didn't want to scare you by things going fast but I mean you've met my parents and my brother and now you're sleeping at mine, so I'm just going to ask you, do you want to come to my parents home for Christmas?" I say on one breath.

"Did you even breathe then?" She frowns.

"No I did not," I shake my head.

"But yeah," she nods, "I'd like that."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows, "don't say you want to go just to make me happy or because you feel like you have to because you don't."

"You ramble on when you're nervous you know?" She giggles.

"Do I? Really?" I frown.

"Yes Baby you do," she smiles, "I'm coming because I want to."

"And you're not just saying that?" I scowl.

"I'm not just saying that," she shakes her head side to side.

"Great," I smile, "which reminds me your wrapping presents."

"Why don't you just do it?" She frowns.

"Because I can't wrap presents properly and you're a woman so you'll naturally be able to," I shrug.

"But then what are you going to do? Sit there and check yourself out in a mirror?" She scoffs as she starts playing with my hair.

"No, I'll be sat writing 'love from Danny and Elizabeth' on the tags," I smile widely.

"What do you mean love from Danny and Elizabeth?" She frowns.

"I mean I'll be writing that on the tags for the presents to people," I chuckle.

"Why?" She scoffs.

"Because they're presents from us," I smile.

"They're not, they're presents from you which you bought," she says as she places her hands on my chest.

"This is our first Christmas together and you haven't met my family yet, so you're not buying anything for anyone we'll just write both our names on all the presents," I shrug, "and don't both arguing because with this we both know I'll win."

"I hate you sometimes," she scowls.

"Let's be honest you don't," I scrunch my nose up shaking my head side to side.

"I do," she nods.

"You can't hate me," I gasp, "my kisses are the best they make it impossible to hate me," I scoff as I quickly crash my lips against hers.

Me and My ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now