She licks her lips, "How did you know that?"

"You like Italian food for someone who claims to hate..." I clear my throat, "Dirty Italian scum." If i had a dollar for every-time she called me that, i would be a trillionaire rather than a billionaire.

"Are you stalking me?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I keep my enemies close."

"You have a crush on me, how can i be your enemy?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Because you don't reciprocate that crush." I lift up my glass, "And you're fucking annoying, you're a pain in the ass, you get on my nerves." I sip on the drink.

"Ouch." She puts her hand in her chest, "Feelings are very hurt.

I roll my eyes, waiting for our food to come. When it does, i was right about the lasagna. She digs in straight away.

She's nervous, that's why she's doing this. She stress eats, "So what game is this, Keilani?"

"Game?" She looks up.

"You're stress eating, your fingers have been tapping off the table since we arrived." I lean forward, cutting my steak, "You wearing your gun which means you're prepared for something. You took your bike because you want to get away quickly-"

"You're overthinking." She straightens.

"So why are you nervous, Keilani?"

She looks down, "I'm not."

"Don't fucking lie to me." I stomp down on her foot, her mouth drops open but she doesn't make out a pained sound. I keep pressure on her foot, "What's going on?" I bite the steak.

"Take your dirty ass shoe off my foot before i stab you with my heel." She says calmly.

I apply the pressure a little harder, "Tell me."

Her arm disappears under the table and i hear the gun click. "Move it, before i shoot it."

I smile, pulling my gun out of my blazer and holding it up so she can see it. "Don't be scared of a gun, baby." I flip the gun in my hand, "At least let me see what you're trying to do."

"You're crazy. There's cops behind you." She uses her other foot to kick my leg away. I tuck my gun in the inside of my blazer pocket, moving my foot off hers.

"So what was this game?"

"It was supposed to be a thank you but you're pissing me off."

"Keilani don't lie to me, i'm not stupid."

"I never said you were, you're overthinking." She picks up her drink, "You don't have to be on your watch with me, Coin. Don't worry if you're scared, i'll protect you."

"You don't even have the nerve to pull out a gun in a public space, i think i'll take the chances to protect myself."

"Why are you mad? I'm trying to do something nice."

"Because you don't do nice, Keilani. You're two faced."

She pouts, "Ouch."

I stab my fork into the steak again, "This is only going to piss off your little stalker."

"Let it. You should know that i don't take shit from anyone." She tilts her head to the side, smiling, "I'm not going to be scared of a bastard who can't even show his face."

I hum, taking another bite of my food. "How many left?"

She catches on to what i'm talking about, "Four."

"What's taking so long?" I want them dead as soon as possible.

She looks down, stuffing her mouth with food. She's scared. I wish i could get rid of her fears, at the same time i wish she wasn't so hesitant. I wish i would have killed them. She's taking her time, she doesn't deserve this.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." She gets up, walking away.

I watch her until she enters the ladies room, then i get up and grab her purse, sitting at her seat. I look at her wallet, her lipstick, her powder. And an injection.

I take it out, looking at the high dosage.

She's on edge, she's carrying her gun, she's carrying drugs, she came on her motorbike, shes nervous, shes stress eating.

Keilani is clever, but my papa taught me too much stuff.

Like how to know if someone's about to kill me.

And from the second i seen her when she came to pick me up, i could tell something was off. From the second she ran in front of my car to ask me on a date, i knew something was wrong.

I trained since the day i could walk, not only physical, but my papa taught me a wide range of stuff that im glad he did.

I've been in assassin attempts before, multiple.

She's good at her job, but i'm better at mine.

Keilani Hale is planning to murder to me tonight.

drama tea what's gonna happen?

**me getting excited as if i literally didn't write this**

word count: 1357

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