Chapter 29

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Land of Lightning

Madara stood in front of Naruto and Reibi, all of them in a heated staring contest. Madara was starting to get excited. He knew that this boy was different that the others. He could fight. He could fight really good. Madara just had the feeling…

" Before we start, I have a question." Said Madara. " Why do you have tails?" he asked curiously.

" When I was six, Kurama-chan, or the Kyuubi to you, turned me into a half-demon while I was unconscious from the beating I was receiving. I was her Jinchuriki, and was hated for it. My family didn't want me, my village hated me, and the only person I could trust was Kurama. She gave me these tails before the Chunin Exam Finals started, saying that I was worthy of them." Explained Naruto.

" Oh, the Kyuubi, a girl. I never knew. And you are her mate? That isn't something you hear every day." Said Madara said as he rubbed his chin. He stopped and gained a serious look on his face. " No matter. We are here to fight. You will die if you don't take me seriously. You are fighting a shinobi that can hold his own against Hashirama Senju, so don't underestimate me."

" I'm glad that you have such faith that I am strong, which I am. But I don't have time to hear your compliments, for I have heard that you enslaved Kurama-chan in the past before. You will receive your punishment by me personally." Said Naruto as he and Reibi readied their selves.

" Good." Said Madara as he smirked. " You have the first move."

Instantly, Naruto appeared in front of Madara with his fist raised. Madara blocked it and sent his own punch, but was caught my Naruto's tails. Naruto slapped Madara with his tails, blasting him sideways. Reibi came from the ground and wrapped itself around Madara, trapping him.

" Ahh.. So the leech can drain chakra. And at a fast rate I must say." Said Madara as he felt his chakra levels deplete quickly. He substituted himself with a close by boulder, saving the rest of his chakra. He felt his charka grow back until it was at its full capacity.

" You know, I really do like this body." Said Madara as he looked down at his hand. " Do you want to see what I can do with it?" he asked as he started to run through hand signs. " Katon: Great Fire Annihilation!" he shouted as a massive fireball that flooded the area rushed towards Naruto. The heat of the flames was intense, and Naruto had to dodge the attack to avoid being burned to death.

" Reibi!" shouted Naruto. The leech quickly approached to Naruto, slivering to him like a snake, and wrapped around Naruto.

" Dome of… Dark Thoughts…" Muttered Reibi as a black dome took over Reibi and Naruto. The flames took over the dome, engulfing it in a sea of flames.

" A barrier.." said Madara as he watched his flames. A barrier shouldn't be able to stop his attack. It was to strong and hot for anything to survive.

When the flames died down, Madara was surprised to see the dome still intact, as if nothing hit it in the first place.

" Impressive." Said Madara as he clapped his hands. " You are one of the first to be able to successfully block that attack. You truly are worthy of fighting me." Complimented Madara. After a while of waiting, Madara started to get mad.

" Why aren't you coming out? To scared to face me!" shouted Madara at the dome. Madara eyes widen when he felt a presence behind him. He jumped out the way to just in time to dodge one of Reibi's attempts of wrapping himself around the Uchiha. While in the air, Naruto appeared behind Madara a kicked him towards the ground, right on top of the black dome. Instead of hitting it, the black dome opened up, taking Madara inside, and closed right back up.

" Dark….. Encasement." Muttered Reibi. The dome started to get smaller and smaller, planning on squishing Madara to death. The dome was destroyed as Madara jumped through it, his Susanoo's rib cage around his body.

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