Chapter 13

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Naruto, Kushina and Minato entered through the double doors to walk into the council room. Everyone important in Konoha was there, and everyone in the room was sweating bullets at the sight of Naruto.

Naruto looked around and was surprised to see Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura at the meeting as well. The three were behind a simple chair, but it was in the middle of room so everyone would be able to see him at all times.

Minato and Kushina escorted him to his seat, and then the two took their own seats with the council, right in front of Naruto.

" Alright, this council meeting is now officially in secession." Said Minato as he stared at Naruto. " Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, do you know why you were called." He said in straight Hokage mode.

" I don't know, maybe to talk about the lies that you told the village all my life?" he said with a smirk, making everyone look at the Hokage, still mad that he lied to them for so long.

" Y-yes, we shall talk about that and then some. What everyone wants to know now is one simple thing. What is it that you want?" said Minato.

" What is it that I want?" said Naruto as he put a finger on his chin in a fake thought full position. He then looked back at Minato with a cold smile. " Well, I want Konoha destroyed."

Everyone gulped when they heard this, knowing that it would be incredibly hard to defeat Naruto if he wanted to destroy their home.

" Yes, well the people of the council wish to avoid that as much as possible, seeing as we do live here." Said Minato, " Can we offer you something that will make you change your mind about you previous choice?"

" No. Konoha has done me wrong, so I shall be the one burning it to ashes." Said Naruto.

" You can't do that!" yelled on of the civilian council members, " You are in no position to make such a stupid action."

" Actually I am," said Naruto, surprising the man, " Konoha has weakened since the invasion, still in a state of recovery. If I were to strike now, nothing would stop me, even your leader would die at the hands of my power."

" Please listen, Naruto-san." Said Inochi, " We wish to know more about you to think of something to offer you to stop your plan of attack."

" What do you wish to know, I am done being silent." Said Naruto, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. Naruto's tails were swaying in the air, sometimes brushing against Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura.

" The beginning. From the day you started to hate Konoha to now. How you got so strong, your relationship with your team, your family, everything." Said Inochi.

" Well now, I can say for myself that we will be here for a while." Said Naruto. He then started running through hand signs, scaring a few people.

" Nine tailed Confinement Seal." Whispered Naruto and the whole room glowed red.

" If we are to talk, then nobody is leaving this room until I am satisfied with what has happened here." He said with an evil smirk.

" This is outrageous!" yelled the same man from earlier. " This demon doesn't deserve to live!"

" The next person to yell out something I don't want to hear shall die." Said Naruto without looking at the man.

" Hokage-sama! Call your ANBU to kill this demon! With all the high-leveled ninja here, it should be easy to-" the man couldn't finish his statement as his head fell from his shoulders.

" One down." Whispered Naruto as he looked Minato dead in the eyes.

The council went into panic as they saw the head role around on the floor.

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