Chapter 12

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" Are you ready, Menma" asked Naruto, putting his claws on.

" Hell ya! Let's do this!" he said and ran up to Naruto, who wasn't even worried about him and was looking at his claws.

Menma went in for a punch, but one of Naruto's tails caught the punch. Menma went for a fury of combos, but were all blocked by Naruto's tails. Naruto wrapped one of his tails around Menma's leg and lifted him upside down.

" So what was this about you trying to make me forgive my family?" asked Naruto.

" Yeah. Words won't reach you, so I'm going to try to use my fist to stop you." Said Menma, still upside down.

" You do understand that you can't win against me? I am to strong. You are just a Genin, and I am one as well, but you are of at least Mid- Chunin level. I am past High- Kage level. There is no one inside this village right now that can beat me So why fight? You hated me only a month ago." Said Naruto.

" Because," said Menma as he gained a solemn look, " Me and everyone else have seen the wrong that we have done to you. We want you back in our family." Said Menma.

Naruto just gained an evil smile as he lifted Menma up and showed him the crowd. " Does it look like they accepted me and ask me for forgiveness? Do they ask for forgiveness for their past mistakes?" said Naruto as Menma watched the crowd glare and yell at Naruto.

" Put the Hokage's son down now, demon!"

" Menma-sama, kill the demon!"

" No one wants you here!

" Go die!"

" How could you call yourself the Hokage's son?!"

Menma just looked on at he villagers, feeling guilt in his heart. He was once one of them, hating Naruto for something he never did, something he never asked for. Naruto then brought Menma down to eye level and looked at him.

" Do you see now I hate them? Why I hate my family? Why I hate you?" said Naruto and he put his claw covered hands on Menma's chest. He then dragged them down on his skin, making Menma yell out in pain.

" ARRRRRGGHHHH!" he yelled and struggled against Naruto's grip on his ankle.

Naruto looked at the blood on his arm and hands and a gilt was seen in his eyes.

Finally. I never thought that feeling his blood out of all people… I want more.. he thought.

Menma substituted himself with a log and appeared on the other side of the arena, the top of his jumpsuit tour up from Naruto's claws.

" Gahhh…. It hurts!" he yelled and put his hands on his stomach. He looked up to Naruto and saw his insane smile on his face, making him scared shitless.

" You don't know how long I wanted to do that. I those battles we would have when the academy teacher would pair us up against each other when your grades weren't at the top. All I could do was dodge so I wouldn't reveal my true power." He said as he started doing hand signs.

" All those times….. All the hatred…. The pain.. This is what it has made in front of you today!" yelled Naruto as red chakra surrounded him. Naruto took off his hoodie and his red shirt he had underneath it and revealed his abs, and something else on Naruto's skin.

" Are those seals?" asked Menma.

" Yes, and they are there for a reason!" yelled Naruto as the red chakra swirled around him. He then stopped his hand signs at a familiar gesture.

" Yokai Seals! Set One, Release!" he yelled. Some of the seals faded off his body and yokai exploded from them.

" Gravity Seals! Set One, Release!" he yelled and some of the seals came of again.

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