Chapter 8

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Inside the tower, three days later.

The second exam was now over. 8 teams passed the second exam, which was unheard of.

The first team was the Suna team, hosting Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro.

The second team was Naruto's team, hosting Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

The next team was the Taki team, hosting Aiko, Amaya, and Fu.

The next team was Gai's team, hosting Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee.

The next team was Kabuto's team, hosting Kabuto, Yori Akako, and Misumi Tsurugi.

The next team was Kurenai's team, hosting Kiba and Akamaru, Hinata, and Shino.

The next team was Kushina's team, hosting Menma, Mito, and Sai.

And the last team that arrived was Asuma's team, hosting Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji.

Most of the teams came in the last day, the cloths and their skin all messed up was proof of their struggle.

Naruto's team, however, was at 100% capacity and ready to fight. The three spent their time outside, getting some sun, sleeping, eating, and the process repeated itself.

Everyone was now lined up in the arena of the tower, ready for the part of the exam.

Then, in a yellow flash, Minato Namikaze showed up in front of the genins, his cloak flapping behind him.

" Hello, genin. I must congratulate you all for your efforts in passing the second round of the Chunin Exams. The Chunin Exams, though, is more than you think." He said.

Then, Minato went into deep detail about the Chunin exams being a replacement for war, saying that villages sent their best genin to show off their skills in front of those who have offers and jobs for villages, surprising most of the genin. Before Minato, could finish his speech, a Jonin appeared in front of him.

" Hokage-sama, please let me take over from here(cough, cough)" said the Jonin.

" Alright then, good luck everyone." He said as he went up to his podium to watch the fights.

" Alright, (cough, cough). My name is Hayate (cough, cough) Gekko. We shall have a preliminaries. (cough, cough) because there are to many people here( cough, cough) to continue. ( cough, cough) So the matches will appear" then a electronic board appeared on the wall behind Gekko," on this board. ( cough, cough) the names will be chosen at random, (cough, cough) so that means even your teammates (cough, cough) are now your enemies. Does everyone (cough, cough) understand?" he asked. Everyone nodded, but was wondering if the Jonin was dying of some unknown disease.

" Good, then let (cough, cough) the battles begin. May ( cough, cough) you please bring you're a attention (cough, cough) to the board." Said Gekko.

Then names started to flash between each other till it finally stopped on two names.

" Will Sasuke Uchiha (cough, cough) and Yori Akado stay here. Everyone else (cough, cough) report to the stands.

Everyone went up to the stands, but Sakura gave Sasuke a good luck hug, and ran up to the stands.

Naruto and Sakura went up to where Kakashi was standing and stood there. Naruto jumped up and sat on top of the railings, not saying a word to Kakashi.

" Yo! Good job making it this far you two. I am very proud." Said Kakashi with an eye smile. The two didn't even say anything back to Kakashi, causing him to huff in grief and look down at the floor.

" Let the match begin!" yelled Gekko, as he jumped away from the fight.

" I'll finish you quick and easy." Said Yori, as he adopted a Taijutsu stance.

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