Chapter 27

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" Alright people, straight file line!" shouted Tayuya as she held a clip board. " Role call!"

" What do we need role call for? Everyone's here." Said Karin.

" Because you dumb bitch! Do you even know where your supposed to be positioned at during the war? You don't so don't even say anything!" shouted Tayuya.

" Now! For the first squad, we have… No eyebrows man!" laughed Tayuya.

" It's Zabuza you fucking little girl!" shouted an angry Zabuza.

" Yeah, yeah. Get that stick from up ya' ass." Chuckled Tayuya as she looked back down on to the list. " Alright, the people that's on the faggots team is Haku! Pakura! And Anko!" said Tayuya.

" How does he get to be leader!?" complained Anko as she pointed a finger at Zabuza.

" Because he won't play on the battlefield, unlike you." Said Naruto, making Anko pout.

" Next! We got.. uh.. Guren! Her squad consist of… mummy man! Air bag! Red-haired crazy bitch! Transformer Dude! And Kin!" said Tayuya, referring to Dosu, Zaku, Karin, and Jugo.

" Let's not assign Tayuya-san with role call any more." Said Kurama with a giggle.

" Next team's leader is.. Fuka!.. wait.. HOW THE FUCK IS SHE MY SQUADS LEADER!" Tayuya shouted as she looked at the paper.

" Oh.. maybe it's because I'm just better and more beautiful than you." Said Fuka with a smirk, making Tayuya growl.

" Fuck you…" she said under her breath. " In her squad is Isaribi! The Fucked Up Twins! Wanna-be Shark Boy! Fatass! Spider Freak! And yours truly." She finished, referring to Sakon and Ukon, Suigetsu, Jirobo, Kidomaru, and herself.

" Uh.. what about us?" asked Fu as she pointed to herself and Yakumo.

" I have a special task for you two, so you will be coming with me and Kurama-chan for the mission." Said Naruto.

" Hai!" Fu and Yakumo saluted.

" Well, that should be it." Said Tayuya.

" Wait!" shouted a voice from behind the Wave ninja. Coming up to them was Konan and Hanabi.

" Konan-san? Hanabi-chan? What are you doing here?" asked Anko, being friends with both of them.

" We wish to fight." Said Konan. " I feel that since I was once apart of the Akastuki, then I must stop what they wish to achieve."

" And I want to prove that I can fight too!" shouted Hanabi. Naruto appeared in front of her, scaring the shit out of her.

" Are you sure?" asked Naruto as he got into Hanabi's face, creeping her out. " You will have to kill. You will see things you will wish you hadn't. Can you handle such things?"

" Y-y-yes." She stuttered, sounding like her older sister.

" HMmmmmmm.." said Naruto as he looked in her eyes. He smirk a devious smile, making her worried for a while. " You can come. I have something special for you…" he said, making her even more scared. He wrapped his tail around her, making her squeal as she was lifted from the ground.

" You shall be with Zabuza-san's squad." Naruto said to Konan. She nodded her head to him and got with Zabuza's group.

" Since we are in a war, we need something that can represent ourselves." Said Kurama as she sent yokai into a seal on her arm. In a poof of smoke a box was in front of her, full of head bands. She picked on up and showed it to them all. With in the metal was engraved the kanji for ' Wave' and the straps on that tied around their foreheads were black.

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