Chapter 6

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Time skip- 3 weeks

The team returned the next day to Konaha, and things quickly settled down. Kakashi went to Minato give the mission report, and everyone else went their separate ways.

The team would still have missions, just not as big as the Wave mission. Sasuke would secretly train with his new Kiba swords that Naruto gave him in Wave.

The team still hated Kakashi, and every time he would ask for forgiveness, Naruto would just turn his head.

Now the team were getting ready for a new challenge.

East side of Konaha- Team 7 meeting place

Naruto was looking at the Chunin Exam sheet he would have to sign to get participate. He really didn't want to participate, but to have a opportunity to get new allies, he would have to take this chance.

Sasuke was looking at the sheet with a flame in his eyes. He would fly through the competition and challenge Naruto, and even though he would lose, he wanted to fight Naruto with everything he had.

Sakura, on the other hand, wasn't so sure. So yeah, she has gotten stronger these past few months, but it's a big world. She wouldn't know if she could handle ninja outside of the village.

Sasuke and Naruto were already signing their papers, so she did so also.

" Alright everyone, you need to be at the academy at 9:00 in the morning sharp to participate, understood?" said Kakashi with an eye smile.

When he didn't get an answerer back, he took a deep breath.

" Alright, listen to me. I know we haven't been on the same page since you found out about me, which I can understand. But please, just give me another chance to be the sensei that you all need. I'll be better, I'll even come to our meeting place early, just give me another chance." Pleaded Kakashi.

" 'Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their friends are worse than trash.' That's what you tell us, but you are a hypocrite to own word, I don't want a sensei like that." Said Sasuke and Sakura shook her head in agreement.

" If that is your choice, just know that I'm proud of each of everyone of you, goodbye for now." He said as he disappeared in a Body Flicker.

Naruto then stood in front of Sasuke and Sakura, getting their attention.

" We shall get to the academy early, I want to see all the competition before everyone else." He said.

" What time do you want to be there?" questioned Sakura.

" 6 in the morning, that it is." He said and the two agreed. Sasuke walked to the Uchiha compound, while Naruto and Sakura took the same road home.

Inside Konaha

" Boss lady, Sakura! Boss lady, Sakura!" yelled of trio of youngsters running up to Sakura.

" Oh no, not these kids." Huffed Sakura.

The three that ran to Sakura were Konahamaru, the grandchild of the third hokage, Udon, and Moegi, making the Konahamaru corps.

" Boss lady Sakura, your going to play ninja with us today, right?" asked Konahamaru, but Sakura was trying to hush him from Naruto hearing that.

" Play ninja? Sakura, you are still to soft, playing ninja when you are a ninja." Naruto said to Sakura with a glare that made her shiver. The three academy students then noticed Naruto.

" It's the demon!" they all yelled and hid behind Sakura. " Do something about it, boss lady Sakura!"

Sakura wasn't paying attention to them though. " I'm sorry Naruto, they are young and don't know better, please forgive them." She said.

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