Chapter 19

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Sasuke and Sakura were at the gates waiting for the rest of the people that would come with them to go meet with Sassori's spy. They had four days to get there, so time was on their side.

Two figures appeared in front of the two ninjas, and seeing one of them made them both groan.

" Not Sai….." said Sakura as she put her hand on her overly sized forehead.

" Hi! It isn't nice to see you two again." Said the boy with a fake smile.

" Sai, your supposed to be friends with them, not make enemies with them." Said the older man next to the pale boy.

" Oh, it's to late for that. We are already enemies." Said Sasuke as he looked at the boy with disinterest.

Sasuke and Sakura never liked Sai. The boy was just weird, and even weird was pushing it. The boy was always smiling that painfully fake smile and thought he could manipulate people with it Sakura and Sasuke have learned from their younger years to not to trust Sai at all, especially when he was smiling.

Which was all the time.

" Alright, I guess you all know each other so I should introduce myself then. My name is Yamato, and I am the squad leader of this mission. We really don't have much time to socialize, so I shall get straight to the point." He said, gaining everyone's attention.

" This mission is an requires us to capture the spy that is awaiting us at Techi Bridge. A fight will break out, since the spy will most likely try to defend himself, but we'll be ready. This is our best chance to get information on Naruto and also, the Akastuki. But be warned, we must proceed with the mission with a cool mind and not go charging in. We don't know what back-up the spy may have as well, so be wary of your surroundings as well. Now, we are all packed up, so let's move out." Yamato said, and with that the four ninjas jumped off to Techi Bridge.


Anko, Guren, and Isaribi stood in front of Naruto, who was sitting on his couch in his living room.

" I have a mission for you three that I know that you'll enjoy." Said Naruto as he looked at the three women.

" What is it that you have in stored for us, Naruto-sama?" asked Isaribi.

" It's dealing with getting revenge…. On Orochimaru.." he finished, and saw the evil smirks on the ladies' faces.

" Please, go on." Said Guren.

" There will be a meeting on Techi Bridge in the Hidden Grass village. Four days from now at noon time, a spy from the now dead Akastuki member, Sassori, shall be there. It is your job to go and capture the spy and bring him back here to Wave, no matter what the cost. Kill anybody that gets in your way. Especially the Konoha ninja that shall be there." Said Naruto with a smirk.

" Uh, Naruto-sama? What about those two people that you told us about? The Uchiha and the pink-haired girl? You said that if we to ever meet them, to not kill them." Said Guren as she looked on to her leader.

Naruto sat in silence as he thought about what Guren said. Sakura was bound to be at the bridge, since she was the one who found out about the meeting in the first place. And where ever Sakura is, Sasuke won't be far behind.

" If you see them…" said Naruto…." Then leave them alive… Just everyone else you may kill." He said as he turned his head and looked out the window.

" Hai!" they all shouted out to him and left the room.

Naruto continued to look out the window, thinking about the memories he had with the two ninjas that called him ' friend'.

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