Chapter 10

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Naruto put his claws on, ready to fight, and Gaara started to pour out his sand from the gourd on his back.

" To start things of…" said Gaara, as he manipulated his sand around a still Naruto, not worried about the danger he looks like he's in.

" Sand Shower!" yelled Gaara as he launched the sand towards a still Naruto.

All the sand that approached Naruto was then cut up and blocked by wind.

" Hmm… So this is your jutsu? To manipulate wind without any motions or commands in impressive, just like me and my sand." Complemented Gaara.

" The only differences is, my wind is quicker." Said Naruto. He then ran up to Gaara, claws ready to tear at his defense.

Naruto made a slash movement, only for his claws to be caught by the sand. He pulled his hand back and rushed forward, his other hand in a stabbing form. He cut his way through the sand, ready to pierce at Gaara next.

Gaara made a wall of sand between the two, making Naruto jump up in time to get away from the sand that tried to get him from behind. He went back to his original position and looked towards Gaara.

" You keep up good. I should take a boost in speed." Said Naruto. Naruto then disappeared, surprising Gaara at his speed.

Naruto appeared behind the unsuspecting Gaara, and slashed upwards with his claws, going through Gaara's Armour of Sand and making a large gash appear on Gaara's back.

" GAAAAAHHHHHH!" Gaara yelled out in pain.

" That's what you get." Said Naruto as he jumped back again to a safe distance.

" AARRRGGGG! It hurts! Mother! It hurts!" he yelled. Gaara then covered up the wound with sand, containing the blood that was coming out of it.

"I'm coming for you now, Naruto!" he yelled and sand rushed at Naruto.

Arms formed from the sand and tried to grab at Naruto, but he dodge them and cut them both in half with swipes from his claws. He then dodge to the left the move from the sand that was coming down in the same spot he was in. He jumped up and prepared to use his next move.

" Fuuton: Tamed Winds!" and all the sand that was in the area was cut up and disfigured as the wind cut it all up. Gaara made a protective cocoon of sand to block the attack, but the wind was strong enough to cut the cocoon open and slash Gaara at his shoulder, causing more pain.

" Ahhhhhh! How! How are you doing this!" yelled a pained Gaara.

" You are to weak." Naruto said as he appeared right in front of Gaara and kicked him in the face, making him fly back into the arena wall.

" No! I won't lose! I have mother with me! Together we will kill you!" said Gaara as he started to gather sand on his body, covering him whole. The sand started to gain curse marks all over it, and Gaara opened his eyes to reveal a yellow, demonic eye, with a shuriken like shape as the pupil.

" How do you like me now, Uzumaki! Sand Shuriken!" yelled the Shukaku possessed Gaara as he launched shuriken made from sand towards Naruto.

The surprise look on Gaara's face when red chakra came out from Naruto and blocked all the shuriken. Naruto looked at Gaara with a bored look on his face.

" So small.." was all he said as he disappeared and then reappeared behind Gaara.

Just like Kiba, Gaara was sliced open, but the sand served its purpose, and protected Gaara some, making him only get a small cut on his stomach.

" You need to do better to kill me, Uzumaki! Fuuton: Infinite Sand Devastation!" yelled the recovering Gaara and shot a pressurized blast of sand and wind to Naruto.

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