Chapter 1

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Dark alleyway in Konaha

A boy with sun-kissed runs into a dead end with a wall many times taller than him. The boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the so called "demon" of the village because he holds the soul of the Kyuubi, a terrible monster which attacked the village of Konaha the day he was born and the soul was sealed into him by his own father, Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage and leader of the village. He knew his father hated him and the rest of his family did, too. His mother, Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, agreed with his father to abandon him because she believed he became the demon that he held inside of him.

Naruto's younger twin brother, Menma, and his younger twin sister, Mito, each held 50% of the Kyuubi's yokai and were both treated like heroes for it. Naruto never felt love in his life, never truly smiled to anyone or has anyone smile at him. He never felt joy for anything, including his own life. All his life he was hated, beaten, tortured, glared at, for something he had no control over. He never asked to be a Jinchuriki, nor did he ask to be hated.

But even through all this, he keep the façade of wanting to protect the village. He smiled at those that glared at him, knowing that every glare built his hatred to the villagers and family. Especially his family. They casted him aside like garbage and don't think twice about it. His parents cursing his name even though they were the people who made him.

Now he about to suffer another beating to the civilians and ninjas of the village, all because of his father.

" I've found the demon!" one of the villagers cried.

" This is the fate you deserve!" another on said.

And this was the start of it all.

This beating seemed to have more people, meaning more of the pain he had to suffer through. He balled up as he received his unfair punishment. The pain that he received was unmeasured. A six-year old boy shouldn't go through this. Nobody should. How they treated him made no since to him. His family abandoning for something they did, the villagers hatred because their ignorance.

His hidden hatred for everything.

Everything was against him in this world and he knew that. He learned at a young age that he lived for himself and himself only, even though he hid his feelings behind the smile that he so hates. He lived under one motto that he made himself and never told anyone-

Live, fight, and love only yourself.

That's what its was and how it was since he could remember of his small life.

"Damn it, it looks like we killed it before we could do more to it." One of the people of the mob said.

And he was right. Naruto's body looked like a bulging red stain coming out the ground. Mutilated in everyway possible. But the villager was wrong about one thing. Naruto wasn't dead, he was unconscious

Mindscape- Kurama's cage

"Where am I?" Naruto thought to himself as he looked around the sewer he was currently in.

"The villagers probably through me down here to let me die. It's time find a way out." He thought as he looked around.

While looking around, Naruto found a big cage with the kanji for 'seal' on a piece of paper in the middle of the cage.

"What is this cage doing here? Is this where the Kyuubi's soul-" as he got closer to the cage he saw what seemed to be a human shaped figure in the darkness of the cage.

"Come here child" said a deep voice inside the cage.

" Nope, not going into the scary dark cave. I'm not like those stupid people in the movies." Said Naruto and he turned away from the cage.

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