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Allen Avadonia

Represented by Kagamine Len

The protagonist of the story. A fourteen year old boy who hides his true status to work as the princess' servant in the Lucifenian Palace

Ichika's comment: He's a servant, so he has clothes that are easy to move in. In order to show a bit of his boyishness I made the lower cuff of his outer jacket a bit too big for him. As I wanted to give him the feel of being in uniform I designed his jacket collar to be a little bit larger.

Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche

Represented by Kagamine Rin

The overbearing princess who rules the Kingdom of Lucifenia. She and Allen are twins, but she's lost her memories of him.

Ichika's comment: She has a kind of light and fluffy dress design with a lot of lace and ribbons to show her more adorable side. Her decorations, such as her brooch and hair ties, were made with France in mind, so they pretty much all have a rose motif.


Represented by Hatsune Miku

A servant who works on the Keel estate. She is loved by everyone for her kind and good-humored personality, as well as her lovely appearance and singing voice.

Ichika's comment: Given that she's meant to be adorable, her outfit was made with a kind of fluttering look in her sleeves and such. There are a lot of parts where two pieces overlap.

Elluka Clockworker

Represented by Megurina Luka

A sorceress that serves in the palace, and one of the Three Heroes. Her predictions are never wrong, and so there are many who trust in her in the palace.

Ichika's comment: It's hard to tell because it's covered by her robe, but frankly there is a lot of exposure in her clothing. Her outfit was made with a theme of being bewitching.

Germaine Avadonia

Represented by MEIKO

Allen's adopted sibling who lives in the town below Lucifenia castle. She's dependable and cares about her friends, but that comes with the snag of her being a little crude.

Ichika's comment: Her armor is based on Leonhart's armor. As it prioritizes heroism over sex appeal, her legs aren't left exposed (ha).

Kyle Marlon

Represented by KAITO

The king of Marlon, and Riliane's fiancé. He is no match for his mother, Empress Dowager Prim. He's also friends with Keel.

Ichika's comment: As he was designed with a theme of solemnity, his whole appearance is composed with a precise and stiff feel. The collar of his jacket is designed like a suit.

Leonhart Avadonia

Represented by LEON

Allen and Germaine's adoptive father, and one of the Three Heroes. He's the captain of the guard of the royal family, but he clashes with the princess over their different opinions.

Ichika's comment: He has solidly built heavy armor. The cloak is part of his uniform as captain of the guard; he didn't have one during his hero days.

Mariam Phatipe

Represented by MIRIAM

The head maid serving in the palace, and one of the Three Heroes. Her personality is extremely rigid, but she has her kind side as well, and there are many who admire her.

Ichika's comment: She was made with the theme of cool beauty and severity. Her design is a little old-fashioned, made with the image of the time of the previous queen.

Gast Venom

Represented by Camui Gackpo

A skilled mercenary who heads a mercenary band, called "The Demon of Asmodean". He apparently has some relationship with the Three Heroes in his past.

Ichika's comment: He's dressed to give the feel of a foreigner. His waist has a more feminine sash, and his outfit has some womanly components put in it.


Represented by GUMI

A sorceress who serves in the palace, and Elluka's apprentice. She doesn't say much, and has a sort of mysterious air.

Ichika's comment: As she's Elluka's apprentice her outfit design is made to resemble hers, though it also shows a more apprentice-esque childishness in it.

Keel Freezis

Represented by Hiyama Kiyoteru

A wealthy merchant who lives in Elphegort's capital of Aceid. He's a calm sort who never loses his smile, but he does have avarice in his trade.

Ichika's comment: As he's a merchant, his outfit is based on the Marlon uniform, including shoes and clothing that are easy to walk in. He wears his robe in business discussions.


Represented by Kasane Teto

A maid who serves in the palace, and Allen's childhood friend. She has a frightening strength, and struggles with more delicate work. She breaks things a lot.

Ichika's comment: She's a peasant, so she has light armor on her casual wear. Her leg armor serves as a counterweight for when she swings her sword around.


Represented by Yowane Haku

A servant who works at the Keel estate alongside Michaela. She has a complex regarding the color of her hair, which is different from other people's.

Ichika's comment: On the whole she's like Michaela, but I made her design more simple to express a grown-up and "in the background" air.

Ney Phatipe

Represented by Akita Neru

A maid who serves in the palace, and head maid Mariam's adoptive daughter. She does all her work flawlessly, but it's countered by her being a gossip and loose-lip.

Ichika's comment: Her sleeve cuffs are folded back very neatly. It's a uniform for a maid of the yellow country, with frills on the waist and the skirt puffed out and such.

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