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♦ Allen ~In the Lucifenian Palace, "The Hall of Mirrors"~

"Allow me to convey my gratitude that you would employ such humble ones as us."

Gast Venom was kneeling before Riliane in the Hall of Mirrors.

"So you're the 'Demon of Asmodean', Gast Venom...You have a very pretty face. We thought you were a woman at first."

"Ha ha, I get told that a lot. But please, do not judge me by appearances alone. I have confidence in my abilities."

"We know. We have heard that you were able to hold your own against even Leonhart. Though he's dead now. At any rate, We have high expectations for your abilities."

"I am at your command."

"Very good. Then...Allen! Show Gast around the palace!"

So saying, Riliane departed from the Hall of Mirrors. Gast watched her back as she left in utter stillness.

"If you stare at her too long, you'll get beheaded," I piped up.

Gast turned to me, making a small, sheepish grin.

"Ha ha, sorry, sorry...She just looks a little like someone I know. I was simply taken in."

"...I'll show you around the palace. This way."

The two of us left the Hall of Mirrors, and walked through the hallway.

"This will be your room, Sir Gast. It's a remodeled servant room that's not being used, so my apologies for how confined it is."

"Don't worry, this is enough for me. I am grateful merely for a place to shelter from the rain."

"There are people who don't think well of mercenaries entering the palace. Aside from yourself, all the other mercenaries are to take their lodgings in town during peace time."

"Ah well, it cannot be helped." After saying that, Gast once again gazed into my face like he had before. "You look a lot like that princess. Are you siblings?"

"...No, it's just by chance. It's said that in this world, people who resemble each other come in threes."

"I see...Ah well. I'm famished. Is there anything to eat?"

"Your food will be brought along shortly, so please wait here a little."

In the moment that I started to head for the galley,

"I've already brought it."

The head maid was standing there, holding his meal. -Though she looked to be in a somewhat poor mood.

"It's been a while, Mariam...Are you called the head maid now? Ha ha, funny that you would be working as a servant. People really do change."

At Gast's words, the head maid's expression became even more displeased.

"And you haven't changed enough, Gast. That you would still be working as a mercenary..."

"Because fighting is my only skill."

Mariam set his food on the desk and muttered, "...Still obsessing over your little sister?"

"You never know."

I had no cause to pry into whether or not these two had something in their past. It wasn't important to me, and I felt that I mustn't meddle. Between the two of them there was a tense atmosphere that could only impress such a feeling upon me.

"Well then, that's it. Allen, I leave the rest to you," she said, preparing to leave-but she suddenly halted and turned around, asking Gast, "Gast, what is it that you're seeking, in battle?"

At that question Gast replied, with a complicated expression that looked to be both about to laugh and weep,

"A place to die."

Upon hearing those words, for an instant my adoptive father's-Leonhart's face, in the moment of his death, came to mind.

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