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♠ Germaine ~In the Kingdom of Lucifenia, "A Bar"~

"How 'bout it Germaine? Want another glass?" York asked.

I gently refused the alcohol that he was offering me.

Since the day that Dad was killed, I hadn't been able to enjoy the taste of wine.

The wine that he loved, that he would drink too much of everyday and get a hangover, so much so that Allen would be shocked with him.

Would the day someday come where I could once again find it delicious?

"You ain't been drinking much lately, eh? Before, you could put away twenty cups easy, but today you've only had ten."

"...Even so I think you've had plenty," A white haired girl interjected from the side, looking a little astonished herself.

"You think sooo? How 'bout you, little Clarith? You want a glass?"

"No, I think I'll pass, Mr. York. I just came here to deliver my report," the girl named Clarith replied, taking a single step back.

Well, I thought he ought to quit trying to get her to drink. We'd already tried that once before and she'd gotten completely drunk from just one glass; then we were stuck with her crying and grumbling on and on. My dad was like that too-seemed Clarith was a weepy drunk.

"Lord Keel has decided to collaborate with the resistance."

The great merchant Keel Freezis. After he had been released from the palace, he had gone to his merchant acquaintances in Lucifenia and holed up with his family. His mansion in Elphegort had burned down, but it appeared that he had some success in getting out his fortune.

Clarith was a girl who worked as a servant of Mrs. Freezis. We had been communicating with Keel through her. And today, we had finally succeeded in securing his assistance with providing materials.

"We gotta thank that girl in the hood," York murmured.

Being able to get in touch with Keel was nothing but good fortune. The one York called "the girl in the hood"...She had been huge in getting contact with Keel during his house arrest. In any case, with this we wouldn't have any more worries about supplies.

"Clarith, I asked you before, but...Do you have no wish to join the resistance?"


Clarith went silent at my invitation, casting her eyes downward.


After a short pause, she opened her mouth.

"...A friend of mine...was killed. A friend more-more precious to me than anyone else. Killed by the 'Daughter of Evil'. I loathe her. That Daughter of Evil. So much that I want to kill her with my own hands. But...I'm a weak person. Germaine, I am a weak, trivial person who has no strength like you do, nor the courage to stand against authority. So...I'm sorry," Clarith said, quietly and slowly.

Tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to spill over and fall.

"...I understand. It's alright. I'm the one who's sorry. I asked too much of you."

"...It's fine."

"What are you going to do from here on out, Clarith?"

Clarith replied, with her eyes cast down, "Lord Keel has referred me to a job position. So I think I'll live by myself, someplace quiet."

"I see...Well then, take care, okay?"

"Thank you...Germaine...I will pray for the success of your revolution."

Flashing an awkward smile, Clarith left the bar.

I couldn't blame her. People each had their own role to play.

"S-sirs, this just won't do!"

Suddenly the owner of the bar's cry rang through the building. Sounded like the owner and a patron were having a dispute about something at one of the seats farther in.

"Whaaat? You would take our money for this swill?"

"'Swill' can't be that bad if you're swallowing it down!"

Sounded like two patrons-a grim looking man with stubble and a short, thin man-were trying to bilk on their drinking money. They were both wearing extremely splendid armor. Were they palace soldiers?

"Listen up, we're the soldiers protecting this country! To take money from ones as great as us...Don't you think it's presumptuous?" The man with stubble said imperiously.

"It's as my big brother Yarera says! Rather, you should be telling us our money's no good here and to come over every day!" the thin man continued, grinning.

"Even the character of the royal palace guards has gone downhill, huh?" I muttered.

Looking sullen, York interjected, "Speaking as a former soldier...There are a lot of thugs in the Lucifenian army ...But even among them, all of them bear in mind a minimum sense of courtesy. Those two aren't regular soldiers. They're probably mercenaries."

"Mercenaries...From the Venom Mercenaries? They were in the report."


I heard what sounded like a dull noise, and then the owner was doubled over, clutching his stomach.

It looked like the man with the stubble had kicked into the owner's stomach with all his strength.

"Let's go, Zusco."

"Heh heh. Roger, big bro."

Faces flushed with alcohol, making vulgar chuckles, the two of them started to leave the bar.


I stopped York as he tried to block them both.

"Calm down, York. Even if they aren't regular soldiers, it's not a good plan to quarrel with people from the palace."


"Be patient for now. ...Just for now."


"Let's take our leave as well."


York's clenched fist trembled, looking clearly irritated.

Fortunately the owner didn't look to be seriously injured. York and I paid up and went outside

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