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♠ Germaine ~In the Lucifenian Palace, "The Hall of Mirrors"~

The Hall of Mirrors. It was decorated with luxurious and gorgeous furnishings. They were symbols of the "Daughter of Evil"'s fictitious glory.

"Let's split up here," I suggested to Karchess.

We'd have his party go around the back and cut off the retreat rout for the palace soldiers and vassals. I would rush in from the front and find the Daughter of Evil...Riliane!

"Sounds good. Thanks to Chartette I know the palace's structure."

"That's true...and this isn't the first time you've come here to the palace, is it?"

Karchess surveyed our surroundings, as though he hadn't heard me speak.

"Germaine...what do you intend to do after this battle is over?"

"Well, first of all...I want to see your real face."

"I'll think about it. Well then...Don't die, Germaine."

"You too."

Karchess left, taking his troops with him.

Riliane wasn't in the Hall of Mirrors. So, thinking about where she might be...perhaps the Hall of Sounds, or her private room?

First I decided to head to the Hall of Sounds. The moment I got my allies around to walk there together, though,

"Ho...So you've finally made your way inside the palace, hm?"

Before I knew it he was there; standing in front of me was a figure carrying in his hand a peculiarly shaped sword.

Features as elegant as a woman's, and purple hair...It matched the features that I had heard from Karchess. So, it seemed we had again encountered our most deadly opponent.

"Gast Venom!"

"Ha ha, what an honor to have my name known by such a beautiful woman."

"I will have vengeance for Marc."

"Marc? Hm, sorry. I don't learn the name of each person that I cut down."

Was he overly accustomed to battle, or was he just treating me with contempt? He seemed calm and composed.

"Do you intend to take us all on alone?"

I and my crew prepared our swords.

"You have a point...Well, there is nothing you cannot do if you apply yourself-but this looks a little difficult. I think I'll borrow some assistance from these men."

Gast raised his hand, and several knights rushed into the room. I had been careless. We were completely surrounded.

Moreover, all of them...that red armor, those faces I was well acquainted with. They were my Dad's former subordinates.

"These knights boast of being the strongest in the country...The royal guard, under direct supervision of the royal family. Do you think you all, little more than a gathering of ordinary townspeople, will be able to match them? Hahaha." Gast laughed.

"We're sorry, little Germaine. We never thought there would be a day when we would turn our swords on you..."

If it was at all possible, I had not wanted to get through without fighting them. These people who had treated me like I was their daughter, or little sister. But when I had seen the knights in the garden before, I had resigned to the fact that that was a wish that would not come true. No matter what kind of master they had, it was their role to serve them loyally until the end.

"Let's go, everyone! Sic 'em!"

We swooped down on Gast and the royal guard.

Clôture of Yellow: The Daughter Of EvilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant