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♦ Allen ~At the Lucifenian Royal Palace~

By the time I had safely returned to the Lucifenian Palace, it was already pitch black out, just on the verge of the next day.

-Ugh, I felt horrible. The carriage had been agony again.

The inside of the palace was still as death. That was only natural after all; it was a time of day when everyone was already asleep, aside from patrolling night guards.

I could probably save my report on what happened with Keel for tomorrow. For now, I was going to head to my bed and go to sleep immediately-and with that in mind, I tried to make my way to the servant's quarters.


On my way through the corridor, I ran into Chartette. What was she doing out this late at night?

Before I could attempt to ask her, she continued, while looking bewildered, "Princess Riliane ain't in her room, yannow."

"-! Don't tell me she's run out of the palace again!?"

"Ah, no. She's in the palace alright...but her location's a bit of a problem, yannow-just come with me, anyway," Chartette said, taking my hand and turning.

She ended up leading me to the gardens.

Though when I say the gardens, it wasn't the Heavenly Yard that was on the ground. It was upstairs. In the Lucifenian Palace there was another small garden upstairs. From there one could easily survey the sky and the surrounding scenery.

"The princess is in here?" I asked, and Chartette wordlessly pointed up.

She was pointing to a section on the elevated roof, the highest part of the palace in a place even higher than the upstairs garden.

Standing there-was a lone figure.

"Princess Riliane!? How in the world did she get up there?"

"I dunno. I told 'er it was dangerous, but she didn't listen, yannow...Havin' said that, I dunno how to go about gettin' up someplace so high-"

"...I understand. You wait here."

I drew closer to the high ground. Naturally, there wasn't any ladder. It wasn't primarily a place that people were supposed to be able to tread upon.

If she's up there I think I can just barely reach...?

I put all my strength in my legs and jumped. Somehow I managed to grasp the edge of the wall and scramble up, and, after searching for a further spot I might be able to get a grip from there, little by little I clambered my way up to the top.

Eventually, when I arrived at the roof where Riliane was, she greeted me with an expression that was a mix of surprise and a little bit of happiness too.

"...If it isn't Allen. You've come back."

"Yes, only just now...What are you doing in a place like this?"

"See, look up there."

In the direction that Riliane was pointing, there was the full moon, lighting up the night sky.

"...Do you climb up here often?"

"On nights when the moon is full. -Hey, Allen? We want it."


"The moon."

"...No matter how much Your Majesty might wish for it, you still couldn't..."

There were some things I could do, and some that I couldn't.

"We see, that's unfortunate," she said.

She sounded genuinely disappointed, and I felt a little bit of pity towards her.

"Our deceased royal mother also liked to look at the moon. She would say that she wanted to become a being like that. -We too loved Our mother in that way," she added, once more looking straight up at the moon.

Royal mother...huh?

Queen Anne, Riliane's and my mother. I had met with her several times after Leonhart took me in. She would sneak out of the palace sometimes to visit me.

Whenever I saw her she would apologize for the situation that I had been placed in. That she was very sorry that things had turned out this way, especially considering that under normal conditions by all rights I should be able to live in the palace without a care in the world.

Myself, I hadn't felt aggrieved at becoming Leonhart's adopted son. Because it was what I had wanted in the first place.

If I was in the palace, then there was a chance there would be another conflict about having an extra successor. That could cause nothing but grief for my mother and Riliane. If there was only one successor, if I was out of the way, then everything would go more smoothly-My young heart at the time was ruled by such thoughts. There was also the fact that I had become consumed by feeling that I was an unwanted, unneeded child.

So I felt extremely glad to have made Riliane happy each time I did something obeying her orders, after being hired on as a servant at the palace.

-Ah, right now I'm needed, I would think. I'm being sought out by Riliane.

At some point Riliane's joy had become my happiness. And I have come to think that, though I am often appalled her excessively prideful actions, if I could somehow keep her smiling, then that was enough for me.

We're twins. So there are points where we're alike, but many where we're not. I could not find myself deeply moved when I looked straight ahead at the moon the way she did. There were times I was envious of that innocence.

No matter what, she longed for things in her way. Even if she was shunned by those around her as selfish, that's just how Riliane was. Perhaps it might seem strange, but I loved my big sister for that.

Even my mother had said so. "You two are of one mind", "You at least will always remain Riliane's friend no matter what might happen". I had to repay that sentiment.

"-You're looking a little greenish, Allen. Are you alright?" Riliane peered at my face in concern.

"I've gotten a little nauseous from the carriage ride. I would like to be allowed to rest soon tonight. Your Majesty should also-"

"Quite right. The wind has gotten colder. We shall also head back to rest soon."

We both descended from the roof. Despite the fact that she was wearing a dress, Riliane's movements were light and airy. She must be used to it from having climbed up here and down again countless times, just as she said.

-Well then, now I'd attempt to sleep, in preparation for tomorrow.

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